SELMA – Evidence recovered at the scene of a break-in helped identify a suspect in the case.
On March 19 around 3:29pm, a resident on Woodruff Road near Selma discovered their storage shed had been burglarized. The victim reported two chain saws and a welder had been stolen. The items had a combined value of $900.

While investigating the break-in, a cell phone reportedly dropped by the suspect was found at the scene. Authorities said they linked the cell phone to Gregory Jerome Smith, age 48, of Rock Pillar Road, Clayton.
On March 24, Smith was arrested by the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office and charged with felony breaking and entering and felony larceny. He was held under a $60,000 secured bond.
Thank God he was caught! He rode through my parking lot with the stolen items. It was very early in the morning/middle of the night.
Now that’s what I call a bond. Good job to the Judge and LEOs.
Stupid people in this world