Residents With Water Issues On Dead End Street Will Soon Get Relief

The Town of Smithfield will be spending nearly $50,000 to correct a water issue for residents who live on the dead end section of Old Goldsboro Road off E. Market Street near Johnston Community College.

Homeowners frequently experience cloudy water.  Public Utilities Director Ted Credle said the water is safe but the cloudiness is a nuisance and should be remedied.

Town workers frequently flush the hydrants on Old Goldsboro Road and the water clears up for about 2 to three weeks but each time becomes cloudy.

To eliminate the issues, the Town will “loop” the water line by making another connection near the dead end.  It will also have an added benefit, Credle said, by providing a second water connection to the west side of the Pine Acres subdivision, which will assist when there are maintenance needs.

R.D. Braswell Construction of Smithfield submitted the low bid for the project at $49,972.