CLAYTON – The NC Department of Transportation will be fast-tracking construction of a roundabout at a dangerous Johnston County intersection.

During their February 17 meeting, Johnston County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution endorsing a NCDOT plan to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Buffalo Road at Fire Department Road and Little Divine Road.
The intersection has been the scene of numerous traffic accidents in recent years. Between 2021 and 2023, forty-five collisions were reported. Ten of those collisions involved injuries and 35 in property damage only.
The NCDOT estimates the new roundabout will cost approximately $8.8 million, with the bulk of the cost being paid with a federal Carbon Reduction Program grant.
Even though the project is being fast-tracked, construction is not expected to begin until late-2026.
This is long overdue. Thank you!
How many wrecks did it take to do something common sense should have told dot to do years ago. There must have been a wreck involving a higher up or their family in the dot or a county commissioner…..
Just out of curiosity, What is the breakdown of costs? 8.8 million for traffic control, new signs, concrete and asphalt? I’m semi-familiar with overhead and what goes into these contracts but that’s a lot of money for one roundabout at one intersection.
Typically, the biggest costs are moving/extending the utility lines and right-of-way purchases. The contract is public and you can see the exact price, once awarded.
It’s probably about 1 million for the work and 7.8 million for environmental studies to see if some insect’s habitat might be moved 25 feet.
NINE MILLION DOLLARS to build a traffic circle.
Engineering Design and additional right of way purchase along with utility relocation will be over half of that cost
How many people have got rear ended when they come to a complete stop entering a roundabout? I understand its a new concept here but geezus. just slow down a bit look to your left and keep going if you can make it. these are suppose to make traffic keep flowing but here in good old JOCO, people have a difficult time grasping the concept. just go around the one by outlets, dang they’ll stop look around and then maybe go maybe not. Maybe its just all the lost people idk….