The NC Department of Transportation plans to modify the intersection of Highway 96 North and Little Divine Road near Selma, to a permanent four-way stop this Wednesday, weather permitting. The intersection had required vehicles to stop on Little Divine Road, while traffic on Highway 96 could continue through a flashing yellow caution light.
The conversion was made as a result of a DOT investigation that determined traffic volumes at the intersection and other factors warranted installing the additional stop signs on Highway 96. Crews will install “stop ahead” pavement markings to help warn motorists of the new traffic pattern.
As drivers approach a four-way stop intersection, they should follow these right of way rules:
- The first vehicle to the intersection has the right of way ahead of any vehicle that has not yet arrived;
- When two or more vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, the vehicle to the right has the right of way;
- The vehicle with the right of way may move straight ahead or, if legal and after signaling, turn left or right;
- When two facing vehicles approach an intersection at the same time, both drivers can move straight ahead or turn right. If one driver is going straight while the other wants to turn left, the driver who wants to turn left must yield to the other driver. The driver who is traveling straight ahead has the right of way; and
- Even with the right of way, remember to use the appropriate turn signals and be careful to avoid hitting other vehicles and/or pedestrians.