School Board Member Says He Is Turning Over “Evidence” To Attorney

Johnston County School Board Member Ronald Johnson

Less than a week after Johnston County School Board member Ronald Johnson wrote an editorial on JoCoReport alleging mismanagement of money and personnel issues, Mr. Johnson is again speaking out on the issues.

In a prepared statement released today exclusively to, Johnson says he turning over evidence to back up the allegations to his personal attorney.

“I am in the process of turning over all evidence to my attorney, Walter Schmidlin. I want there to be a record in the event I’m unable to produce it at a later time. We are dealing with corruption regarding money, conduct, and power,” Johnson said.

“I’m not afraid, far from it. I am concerned for the numerous school employees who have confided in me and risked so much to expose this unethical behavior.”

“I’m waiting for an outside agency, who has the authority to hand out consequences, to come and investigate what I believe is unethical and illegal. Once the agency is here, only then will I turnover the evidence and documentation.”

“My number one priority is to protect the people who have come forward to expose what has been happening.”

“I have been in contact with some of my colleagues who I believe will take a stand. As of 12/2/2019, I have spoken with (school board member) Teresa Grant. She agrees something is wrong, and I believe she will not tolerate the things I have uncovered. Teresa Grant has always been someone I can rely on to stand with me if something isn’t right and I thank her for being that person.”

“Time will tell who is speaking the truth, and I assure the public I am standing for what is right.  I have hope this corruption will end,” Mr. Johnson said in the prepared statement.

In the original Nov. 29, 2019 op-ed, Johnson alleges that “corruption” and “deception” have devastated the local school system.

JoCoReport will continue to follow this story and report on develops as we obtain more information.