Selma Mayor Participates In Father’s Day Roundtable

GARNER – On Monday, Congressman Wiley Nickel (NC-13) hosted a Father’s Day roundtable with Selma Mayor Byron McAllister, Wake County Commissioner Matt Calabria, Apex Councilman Terry Mahaffey, and Fathers Forever Founder/CEO Dr. Glen Warren Sr. at the Garner Town Hall. The discussion centered on the importance of paid family and medical leave; affordable, accessible, high-quality child care; a permanent, monthly Child Tax Credit; and Rep. Nickel’s bill recently introduced in the House, the Helping Our Parents Enroll (HOPE) in Child Care Act.

“By giving fathers and working families the means to provide a stable and nurturing environment, we enable our kids to grow, learn, and thrive,” said Congressman Wiley Nickel. “As a member of the Congressional Dads Caucus, I’ll always fight for common sense policies that uplift fathers and working families.”

Congressman Wiley Nickel talks with Selma Mayor Byron McAllister.

“The pieces that exist on a foundation can thrive only when the foundation is built properly,” said Mayor McAllister. “Having communities of well cared for and well educated children is the only way to make sure our communities thrive. Intentional government support coupled with a sensible accountability component can make that happen. I’m thankful Congressman Nickel is working hard to make that support a reality.”

The HOPE in Child Care Act would offer discretionary grants to states, counties, unions, and non-profit organizations to provide working parents with free, easy-to-access help navigating the complex landscape of child care options to find care that meets their family needs. The bill ensures that services are offered in multiple languages and establishes protections against discrimination, making it accessible to all families regardless of background. 


  1. An Act for parents to pawn their children off on hired help using tax dollars. Sounds rather anti-father to me.

    Fathers, provide for your families so your wives have the ability to raise their children until they’re school age. Live beneath your means. You and your wife love your children more than ANY other person on this earth….so stop thinking you’ve both gotta work so you can afford more cars or more vacations or a 12-pack of beer after work. Cut the credit cards up, get out of debt, be sober, and if your job isn’t paying enough to support your family, be actively seeking more gainful employment.

    This is the role of a Father: To provide for and to protect his family.

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