Senator Sawrey Co-Sponsors Election Reform Legislation

RALEIGH – Senate Republicans released a pair of bills streamlining elections law and adding more transparency and accountability. Senate Bill 747, “Election Law Changes,” requires all absentee ballots to be received by the close of the polls on Election Day, prohibits private funds from being used in election administration, and establishes a process to eliminate non-U.S. citizens from voting records.

Other key provisions in Senate Bill 747 include:

• Extending the time that election records must be kept to 22 months, which matches existing Federal requirements.
• Providing for inspection of absentee ballot envelopes and use of signature verification software to check the signature of voters using absentee ballots.
• Addresses the loophole of having votes counted before a voter’s registration is confirmed.
• Providing that any order extending the poll closing time at one precinct or county on Election Day will apply statewide and to all counties by an equal amount of time.
• Requiring that the county board of election staff must promptly notify a voter of a deficiency on an absentee ballot and how to cure the identified deficiency.

The proposed law also requires the clerk of superior court to notify the NCSBE of individuals disqualified from jury duty because they aren’t U.S. citizens. The NCSBE will review the report received by the clerk and have the county boards of election eliminate any noncitizens from North Carolina’s voter rolls.

“This bill proposes reasonable, commonsense reforms that will keep voting accessible and increase security and transparency. North Carolina law would conform with the vast majority of states on absentee ballot return deadlines and these proposed changes will help re-build trust in democracy. We will still have one of the longest absentee request periods in the nation and 17 days of in-person early voting – it remains incredibly convenient to lawfully cast a ballot in North Carolina,” Senator Benton Sawrey (R-Johnston) said. Sen. Sawrey is a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 747.

Senate Bill 749, “No Partisan Advantage in Elections” restructures the North Carolina State Board of Elections by splitting the appointments between the majority and minority leaders in the General Assembly. This reform prevents a single party from having partisan control of the State Board of Elections and county boards and makes it possible for unaffiliated voters to serve in these roles.

“Administration of elections should not be partisan and this new structure evenly splits the appointment process between Republicans and Democrats. We saw the danger of a partisan controlled board in the lead-up to the 2020 election when rules on absentee ballots were changed. The proposed structure will encourage compromise and consensus rather than partisan actions,” Senator Sawrey said.

The bills now head to the Redistricting and Elections Committee in the Senate.


  1. It’s funny how the majority of election fraud committed in recent elections is from registered Republicans.

  2. 1- “Administration of elections should not be partisan…”.
    CORRECT !!
    2- SO, why should “… this new (or any) structure … split the appointment process between Republicans and Democrats” ALONE, or AT ALL??
    3- “The proposed structure will encourage compromise and consensus rather than partisan actions” IS SOME KIND OF MAGIC LAW??
    CORRECT !!
    CORRECT !!! 😉

  3. Republican’ts trying to provide a solution to a problem they invented that doesn’t exist. STUPIDITY!!!!! They already screwed up the other stupid law they forced through. Anyone can vote without an ID just by yelling religious beliefs. Stupid Stupid Stupid. I personally plan to vote without an ID by claiming religious beliefs.

  4. Integrity, its loss is a halmark of destruction. It’s unfortunate that so many are expressing their opinion against efforts to improve voter integrity.

  5. I’m interested and would like anyone to let me know which of the proposals in the bill is so outrageous and unreasonable.

  6. All you need is an ID and you can vote. Not sure why that is so difficult for some and why liberals think that is such a bad thing. Please explain why needing an ID to vote is wrong.

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