SMITHFIELD – New funding from the County of Johnston will allow the Smithfield Fire Department the ability to hire three new full-time firefighters.
A Fire Funding Supplement from the county will provide the Smithfield Fire Department an additional $214,000 annually.
Fire Chief Jeremey Daughtry said the department currently has three 24-hour shifts with six personnel per shift, three housed at Station 1 and three at Station 2.
The funds will allow the addition of one new firefighter per shift, increasing the number of personnel from six to seven. The additional firefighter will be housed at Station 1.
Chief Daughtry said the additional staffing is needed to provide fire protection and handle the increasing call volume.
Wow. Over $200,000 for 3 more Smithfield fire fighter Ms. That’s $71,000 per new fire fighter Almost double what a teacher and a police officer makes
Educate yourself, their actual salary will not be that. The money includes benefits and equipment needed. Have you priced a full set of turn out gear lately? Probably not as you have just shown the entire county how ignorant you are.
Their salary will be less than what a teacher makes. That salary will include benefits, gear, training and other on boarding costs. They will work 24 hour shifts, weekends and holidays. They will not work 7 hours a day having off all weekends, holidays, off during the summer, two weeks at Christmas, one week for spring break and a week at Thanksgiving. Everyone needs to be paid more to keep up with inflated prices. Correctional Officers get paid 34,000 to 38000 a year and work inside with them. Nobody speaks up for them.
This is a great thing for Smithfield. The Firefighters are needed to make a full crew and a full crew means safety. Now all the town of Smithfield has to do is fire Mike Scott. The town needs a new town manager and not a bully. Again, the Firefighters are needed and a great move for the town of Smithfield.