Smithfield Manor Honors Six Retiring Employees

SMITHFIELD – Smithfield Manor Nursing and Rehab chose National Nurses’ Week and National Nursing Home Week to celebrate the retirement of six of its employees. The facility was unable to celebrate this milestone previously due to the restrictions on group gatherings during the pandemic.

The six employees recognized represented 205 years of service to the citizens of Johnston County. In paying tribute to these fine healthcare workers, it was noted by Carol Arnn, owner, that the longevity represented by each of these employees was not a prevalent trend in the healthcare workforce today, and that they deserved to be celebrated. The Arnn family is so very thankful for these individuals who have chosen to serve our county’s most precious and deserving segment of society.

Also, present to honor these retirees were NC State Senator Benton Sawrey (District 10), NC Representative Donna White (District 26), Adam Sholar, CEO and President of the NCHCFA, and Regional Ombudsman, Carolyn Pennington.

Recognition plagues were presented by Nathan Arnn, CEO of Smithfield Manor, followed with a reception.


  1. Thank you to these wonderful employees who gave their all to Smithfield Manor residents for so many years! They are wonderful people and great to work with!

    • Yes they not just employees they dedicated care givers. Not an easy
      Job physically or emotionally. My mother was a resident of smfld manor
      Until she passed. She was always treated with respect and dignity. Says alot about the owners passion for people in their charge as well. Hope u all enjoying retirement. May u b blessed as u were a blessing to many

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