Social Workers Give Back To Community

DSS 5-13-16 1The Johnston County Department of Social Services (DSS) has always been an agency that helps their community.  They stay focused on their DSS duties and also do their best to go above and beyond their calling.

This year they participated in the Johnston County Special Olympics Spring Games held on Thursday. DSS employees held a fundraiser selling raffle tickets for a 50 inch flat screen TV.  They were able to raise $1,075.00 with all the proceeds going to benefit Special Olympics.  The winner of the TV was Morgan Rabil.

“This was such a rewarding and fulfilling event to be a part of,” stated Jennifer Gaddis, DSS project coordinator.  “We were very happy to make this donation so these children could have their special time to shine. The honest joy and pure light that is shown on each child’s face is priceless.  You can’t help but share that joy with them.”

Volunteers on the DSS team were Victoria Johnson, Madonna McLaurin, Liz Landeros, Tanya Hegele, Clematine Barrett, Christina Hooker, Spencer Powell, Crystal Campbell, Angela Powell, Jennifer Gaddis, Angela Rabil, Jamie Robinson and Doug Sorrell.DSS 5-13-16 2