Students Find Innovative Uses For Pumpkins

August Sansom, a student in Bobbie Taylor’s class, scoops out pulp and seeds from her pumpkin, in order to count how many seeds the pumpkin had inside.

The kindergarten classes at Powhatan Elementary learned tons of conventional and unconventional uses for the fall favorite, the pumpkin.

The activities and lessons surrounding the pumpkin were part of the school’s annual Pumpkin Day event.

The students were engaged in many activities throughout the day, including using their senses to investigate how pumpkins look, feel, smell and taste.

“The students enjoyed Pumpkin Day, while learning many new facts about pumpkins,” said kindergarten teacher Bobbie Taylor.

The kindergartners also practiced their math skills by counting the number of seeds in a pumpkin, and they did an experiment to find out whether a pumpkin will float or not.

The day concluded with a few rounds of pumpkin bowling, using pumpkins as bowling balls.