SMITHFIELD – Three teenagers are facing felony charges after they allegedly followed a woman home from Walmart and robbed her.
The incident happened Friday, November 8 around 8:09pm. The 66 year-old victim was in the parking lot of Walmart in Smithfield loading items in her car. She was struggling to get a heavy item into her car and an unknown male approached and helped her place the item in the vehicle.
The woman felt she was followed home. While at her residence, off Devil’s Racetrack Road near Four Oaks, two males approached her outside her vehicle and grabbed her purse containing cash, debit cards, and her cell phone. They fled in a vehicle parked at the road.
The stolen debit cards were later used at businesses in Smithfield, Selma and Benson.

On November 21, the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office arrested Tayshuan James Whitner, 18, of Raleigh; Latraviun Dontrell Parker, 19, of Tarboro, and Malik Xzavier Roberts, 18, of Henrico, NC.
Whitner and Roberts were both charged with common law robbery, felony conspiracy, and obtaining property by false pretense.
Parker was charged with common law robbery, felony conspiracy, two counts of obtaining property by false pretense, larceny, identity theft, and uttering a forged instrument.

All three suspects were given $60,000 secured bonds.
The victim sustained minor injuries.
These young men need to be put away for about 10 yrs each to think about what they did, This snatch and grab stuff of the elderly must quit. And DA make sure you do not release them, for if you do, they will do it again and maybe this time some will get killed and the blood will be on your hands.
AGREE 100% !,,
You are so correct on this one. They need to be in jail. If on of them were my kid or grandchild. I would not bail them out and would be on the side of the victim. Lock them up.!!!!!
Jails are getting too full. We need to take a page from other countries, and maybe our own history, and start shipping violent criminals out elsewhere. Completely revoke citizenship upon conviction and immediate naturalization to Haiti or Cuba seems appropriate. Violating a innocent person’s rights in the way these men did should have more dire consequences. There’s not enough of a deterrent under our current legal system to tamper this.
“Violating a innocent person’s rights in the way these men did should have more dire consequences” Do you have insider details on what they were sentenced to? I agree that they need to pay a heavy price for that nonsense, but what kind of country deports teenagers?
Brett only likes the Constitution when it works for him. Suspend it for “bad people” only.
You’re fine with it for J6 tourists, don’t be a hypocrite.
What are you on about?
Maybe one with less crime!
You are willing to do away with due process and personal rights for less crime?
Crazy how now the election is over, and Trump isn’t bringing crime down. If anything, it’s getting worse. Another campaign promise broken.
Really? LOL troll.
He’s not even in office yet. Biden left US in a wholllllleeee lota mess BUT Trump WILL clean it up!
You called it a troll yet look at all you enablers and feeders. Keep it up snowflakes.
This crime was committed on November 8????
Trump has not gone into office yet. His inauguration date is January 20th so please don’t start blaming him again….BIDEN has allowed this mess. Not Trump.
He is not in office yet!!!
Pay attention!!!
Yo, ding dong..
Trump doesn’t take office until January
Easy there keyboard warrior

. He’s not even in office yet 

. Sounds someone needs their mom to make them a hot pocket
Hes not even in office yet. You my friend lack common sense. Typing before actually thinking is whats wrong with America today.
1st off, Trump is not the President yet and since he is not in office it means he has no say in anything. Right now, he is nothing more than a citizen like you and me. That was one more ignorant thing to blame Trump.
2nd off, these kids need to serve some good time in jail just as revharrycwigmoreiii in
the 1st comment says.
Trumps not in office till 01/20/25 , it’s hard to understand I know ? He will have a whole new view to what’s going on now. So you need to take your issue to jbiden you may find him stumbling around in the Brazilian rain forrest. Good hunting
Trump is not in office yet. He does not start his official Presidency until January. Crime will come down when he begins his position.
He isn’t in power yet genius…this is still in the Biden/Harris administration…you are aware how the government works?
Crazy how Trump doesn’t power until January 20th and this crime is still under the Biden/Harris administration. You are aware how government works correct?
Did you realize Trump is not president yet ?
Hopefully some of this will stop then.
I case you haven’t noticed Trump isn’t in office yet so how do you suppose he could do anything when he doesn’t have executive power? I’m all about holding politicians accountable but they have to have the ability to make change before we critique them.
You’re delusional. Liberal judges let perps walk with a slap on the wrist. Get help for your TDS.
Trump does not take office until January 20th 2025 so this crime false under the Biden/Harris administration. You do know how government works correct?
Son, you need to pay attention to the news more. And perhaps take a re-take Civics class.
Son, maybe you need to learn about the internet.
Since you are attributing this crime to Trump, would attribute the MURDER of Laken Riley to Biden? Bet not you hypocrite lib.
Democrats control the Executive branch of this State. Can’t have peace unless those charged with enforcing the laws do their jobs…and this administration nor the next are willing to do so.
You made the same stupid comment in a previous post, you must be a bidumb- supporting liberal- nobody cares about your opinion
Send them to prison they will probably like it
News flash: Trump hasn’t taken the Oath of Office yet. So, this falls on Potato Head’s watch.
I agree with supreme leader, but I’m sure this young men will be leaders of something one day.
Trump is not President til January and it will take some time to fix the mess we are in. He fixed it before but it was all broke by the executive orders signed in the first 99 days by Biden. Most noteably… pipeline closed, agreements dissolved, Iran given back power by releasing the 700 billion back to them and opening the border to criminals…
At that age, the parents should be named as well.
Listen, I grew up in a middle class family, so I know what I’m talking about. Those young men were just expressing themselves.
What???? Are you serious? I grew up in a middle class family as well and I expressed myself with hair dye and clothes, not by following elderly women home from Walmart and robbing them at gun point. I KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT and you have lost your mind. These thugs DESERVE everything that WILL happen to them in prison. Get real
I know how to solve this, and it’s isn’t prison.
They will get a slap on the wrist….naughty!!Naughty!! Then they will get sent back home to mommy and daddy so they can tuck them in at night …. give them warm milk and cookies …. tell them how they are little angels blessed with angels wings!!
Then they will be told by their parents that it’s not their fault because they are victims of a racist country and judicial system…..
They probably don’t have a Dad
These boys may approach the wrong older lady one day….. they followed her along ways from Walmart….and I’m thinking none of them boys were local so ummmmmm ladies be careful out there and protect yourself. Anddddd why were their bonds so low???? They will roll up on the right one one day. Live stupid die young.
To the naive “The Intimidator” Trump is not our President yet, he is our elected President. He wouldn’t be our President until he is sworn in on January 20th 2025. Don’t blame the President; look at the Governor of the state, mayor of the city or the chief of police. Start from there and please do you due diligence.
Biden nor Trump committed this crime. It was the 3 above ! It’s sad times that we are living in today . Now the 3 above should be left in jail for what they did . Someone should’ve been there with a gun for them when they arrived at the ladies home . If they were my children they would stay right in jail . I definitely wouldn’t be bonding them out .
This is exactly why everyone should exercise their right to conceal carry.
Send them to Iran
Are you in favor of suspending the US Constitution as well? For “bad” people right?
This is a local (state) level crime so regardless of who the POTUS is there is no relevance. However, the public that votes in liberal judges and legislators are the ones that can change lives for the betterment of citizens. Stop voting for soft on crime law makers and judges. These 3 need a long and harsh punishment.
Can’t believe it was a Tayshuan, Latraviun, and a Malik Xzavier. Those sound like productive members of society. The kind you want your daughter to date.
glad she is OK…I agree with some of you. One day these thugs will pick the wrong little old lady and she will save the taxpayers some money….or maybe her family will….you don’t mess with JOCO families..
Disregard the Intimidators post. He/she/it is a paid Democrat operative to post on this website. #fact
Trump us a felon so why does everyone believe he’s going to fix the problem. This country is lost .