Troop 726 Eagle Scout Recognized

William Eugene Betts from Scout Troop 726 of Clayton received his Eagle Scout during a ceremony on Dec. 16th at Branch Chapel Free Will Baptist Church on Highway 96 North of Selma.

For his Eagle Scout project, William built a footbridge at East Clayton Community Park on Glen Laurel Road for nature enthusiast to easily cross a ravine while hiking.

William is currently a junior at Corinth-Holders High School and is also taking online classes at Johnston Community College in Criminal Technology. He wants to do some sort of protective service in the near future like law enforcement.

During his Eagle Scout Ceremony, William (pictured right) was also presented the Eagle Scout Good Citizenship Award from Eagle Scout Coordinator Lewis W. Rice III (left) on behalf of the Johnston County Marine Corps League Carry-On Detachment 1236.

William is the son of Keith and Mary Betts of Selma.