WILSON’S MILLS – An elderly woman was killed in a four vehicle accident Monday afternoon. The crash was reported at 1:06pm in the eastbound lanes of US 70 near Swift Creek Road.
Wilson’s Mills Police said a tractor trailer collided with three vehicles. One of the vehicles was driven by 79 year-old Bonney Wheatley of Raleigh. She died at the scene.

Six others were injured and transported to local hospitals.
The driver of the tractor trailer, 77 year-old Robert Wallace of Smithfield was charged with misdemeanor death by motor vehicle.

Eastbound lanes were closed until 5:42pm before reopening to traffic.
Time for the truck driver to retire
This goes to what I’ve been saying for the longest time. Elderly people should not be able to keep their driving privileges without being given an eye test and road test. Everyone knows with age you lose your sight, your hearing, and reflexes. Most older people have slow reaction time. The DMV is allowing some of us 8 years in between when we renew our license. A lot goes on with a person’s health in 8 years. I myself will be in my mid sixties when I come up for a renewal. I’m going to be sure to have myself tested before I renew and get back to driving.Someone has to do something about this.
I would say the same about some of the young drivers. Most older are cautious, young people driving 45 mph through Walmart parking lot.
Donna, this is ridiculous. Just because you age doesn’t always mean you are no longer a safe driver. I am approaching 80 and just renewed my license and am and always have been a safe and cautious driver. Never had an accident and been driving since I was 16 years old. And as Mac said there are a lot of young ones out there that do not need a license!!!
Donna,,, the driver of the truck has to get a physical at least every two years , yearly if they take BP medicine. The physical includes eye test , hearing test and reflex test. So in this example would assume this wasn’t the case. Someone wasn’t paying attention and now they have to investigate .
Prayers and condolences to her family and friends. Rest in peace Miss Wheatley, your work on Earth is done. I hope Heaven is as beautiful as we have always been told.
Too many truck drivers are reckless and negligent.
Are you an idiot? Out of the average 6 million motor accidents a year, approximately 6% of those crashes involve a tractor trailer. Out of those accidents, only 2.5-3.5% of them are the truck drivers fault.
Educate yourself before making yourself sound like an idiot.
Donna Bradshaw, Please, please DON’T wait the 8 years to get your eyes checked! Do it NOW! Because obviously you are having BIG trouble seeing currently. You can’t see the many, many articles of young and Middle age high speed chases? Multiple teens being killed driving in excess of 100 mph? Failure to stop at highly visual marked, flagged, blinking light, stop lighted intersections? You are completely ludacris and blind sighted! Get that eye exam now. I, too, am almost 60. I travel major highways daily. Every single day it is a YOUNG person that is tailgating or aggressively driving behind others, weaving in and out. Honestly, I don’t think I want to be on the road with YOU, Donna.
Cell phones distracted driving cause more accidents these days than anything else. Driving in the passing lane while not passing anyone and unlicensed illegals are close second in regards to traffic accidents
The fact that you’re referring to another human being (God’s child) as “illegals” is wild to me.
@Jesus I drive 300 to 400 mile s a day, your are correct .Like you said I see it everyday cars cutting other cars off and slamming on breaks because they cam close to hitting a car that the other car was following just to get that extra one or two spots. I believe if the had away to calculate the percentage of drive of car are watching shows,news,or texting would be almost 50 % or more. Truck are one the most scrutinize driver because he is assumed at fault if he’s in a accident from the start. His logs,truck and load is inspected in these major accidents. Again I don’t know the whole story of the accident. Do believe that neither person left home that morning wanting to get in an accident. My prayers are with everyone involved including the truck driver because he has to live with the fact that he’s being accused of causing it.