Trump Draws Thousands In Greensboro Ahead Of Super Tuesday

Donald Trump Greensboro Rally Source: Jacob Emmons, Carolina Journal

By Brayden Marsh
Carolina Journal

GREENSBORO – “On November 5th we have to get the worst president in the history of America the hell out of office,” bellowed Trump at a rally in Greensboro Saturday afternoon. “We have to tell him, “Joe, You’re fired! Get the hell out Joe!””

Donald Trump appeared before large crowds in the Greensboro Coliseum Complex Saturday as part of his string of Get Out the Vote rallies before the March 5 primary. Doors opened at 11:00am and thousands of people continued to fill the Coliseum until Trump took the stage at 2:00pm. In total, about 6,000 people attended the rally on the last day of early voting before Super Tuesday.

Plenty of candidates are making their voice heard in the Tar Heel State before the primaries. Nikki Haley traveled to Raleigh, NC to speak at Union Station at 12:30pm on Saturday. Trump and Haley were preceded by Vice President Kamala Harris who traveled to NC on Friday to speak alongside Governor Roy Cooper in Durham.

In the Gate City Trump urged voters to get to the polls, but he was confident of a win in the Republican primary. On the topic of Haley, Trump’s only remaining competition, he said, “We’re at 81% in the Republican primary. I haven’t heard about this woman (Haley) in the past five days since we beat her, actually, in her own state. Then in Michigan, in the largest primary vote in history, we beat her by 42 points and I haven’t heard about her since. People say, “Don’t even talk about her,” but I have to talk about her because she’s bad news. I know her very well, she’s very average.”

Trump focused much of his energy talking about his standings against President Joe Biden.

“In the new Hill poll of the general election we’re crushing Joe Biden in every swing state including a big lead here in the great state of North Carolina,” boasted Trump as the crowd erupted in applause as Trump.

Trump had several talking points during the rally, but the most prominent points related to the border and illegal immigration.

“One of my first actions in office will be common sense, I think it works for most of the people, seal the border and stop the invasion,” said Trump, “Our border is an open wound pouring with drugs, gangs and millions of illegal aliens.”

The former president spoke about Biden’s response to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s effort to put wire on the border, saying, “They’re cutting the wires, but as fast as they cut them, Texas seals them up.” Trump has said Governor Abbott is on his shortlist of Vice Presidential candidates for the 2024 election. Abbott has stated that he is interested in staying in Texas as he already plans to run for reelection as the Texas Governor in 2026. 

Trump didn’t shy away from topics like election integrity, either. “They rigged the election of 2020,” he asserted. “We’re not going to allow them to rig the election of 2024.” said Trump. “If they cheat on the election, it might be Kamala. We better work hard, we have enough problems with this guy (Biden).”

Trump also focused on the multiple court cases he’s facing. 

“I’ve been indicted four times in a short period of my life. That’s more than Al Capone.” said Trump of legal battles. He mentioned District Attorney Fani Willis, whose relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade is being highlighted as disqualifying in her prosecution of Trump’s case in Georgia. 

Through out the afternoon, Trump endorsed many North Carolina candidates, including Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson who is competing to run for North Carolina Governor.

“He’s a great natural speaker and an outstanding person,” Trump attested. “He’s been an unbelievable Lieutenant Governor. You’re going to be the next Governor.” The crowd seemed to agree, offering loud applause.

Trump also endorsed Congressman Dan Bishop for North Carolina Attorney General; Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, whose mention was met with both boos and applause; and, he mentioned that his endorsement of Ted Budd had a great effect in the 2022 election turnout saying, “We endorsed him and he won, pretty easily too.”

“They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you,” Trump told the crowd. “They’re not after me, they’re after you, and I just happen to be standing in the way.” 

When asked why Trump is the best candidate for president, rally attendee Garrison Trotter said, “I think Trump is the best candidate for President because in pre-COVID the economy was booming, inflation was low, $1.76 for gas, as well as an all time unemployment rate for minorities.” Trotter continued, “The main issue I have with president Biden is his open border policy. We are not vetting people coming into this country so we don’t know if there are people coming into this country that want to harm our citizens.”

Other candidates were in attendance, as well, campaigning for their own races. Republican primary candidate for Commissioner of Labor, Luke Farley, spoke to people waiting in line to enter the Coliseum. His team walked down the line with a Trump cardboard cutout saying, “Make Elevators Great Again!” Farley is endorsed by former Commissioner of Labor Cherry Berry, deemed the “Elevator Queen” by his team. 

Following the Greensboro rally, Trump headed to another in Richmond, Virginia.


    • lol. Sore loser. Suck it up buttercup You know your gonna lose so you are already preparing the lies

      • Wow that’s some serious TDS you have to still believe the election wasn’t stolen after 3 years of proof coming out. I bet you still wear a mask too.

        • What legitimate Proof???? There is none, just because the Lying Orange crook says it doesn’t make it true. Your right some people will never learn

          • A. Not one patriot listens to fox news B. You’re an idiot for the comment you provided C. Patriots are going to win or we just take it all back the old fashioned way D. Put your face diaper back on.

          • @Avguy. lol you’re a clown. We shaking over. You must be the boogeyman!!!! I will call the ghost busters to take of the boogeyman !! lol

        • WHAT A CLOWN. Please provide the so called proof? Numerous republicans along with his own attn. general said it wasnt stolen. BUT LET ME GUESS they were all part of the deep state as well. absolutely pathetic.

          • @Avguy, it’s obvious you wish to live under a dictatorship where you’re told what to believe and believe what you’re told. I prefer to do this great thing called thinking 🤔 for myself and I like to form my own opinion from the facts, not what’s dictated to me by an idiot that just cares about himself and not this democracy we live in.

  1. Avguy take back the old fashion way eh LOL oh i am so sure people are scared of you and your “patriot” type

  2. @Brett
    That’s not evidence, it’s just a list that somebody made, like the pillow guy. Funny nobody can show real evidence of fraud based on true facts. Just a list of numbers that were made up. How many times has all that BS been shot down? Real evidence is facts not someone’s belief what the facts, sorry your supposed evidence is not fact.
    Try again. But you’re welcome to believe lies if you want to.

    • You are right it is completely normal to throw everyone out of the vote counting, cover windows and then continue counting ballots pulled out of black suitcases from under a table. It’s also normal to have vans running ballots over state lines late at night. Also normal is multiple states all stopping ballot counting overnight on Election Day at the same time and then have the vote count completely flip when they start reporting again. Also normal to not be able to give a winner on Election Day but need 1 week to call the race when every other race on the ballot was already called on Election Day. #clownworld

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