Video: Princeton Police Investigating Car Break-Ins

PRINCETON – Princeton Police are investigating several car break-ins. They occurred between 1:00 – 2:00am Sunday in the Eagle’s Crest subdivision.

Police believe there were two suspects involved.

Police Chief Michael Smiley said the break-ins could be connected to seven others that occurred June 12 in the Lake View subdivision off US 70 just outside the city limits. Those break-ins are being investigated by the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office.

Anyone with information about the Eagle’s Crest subdivision car break-ins should contact Princeton Police at 919-936-8171 Extension 1130.


  1. i do not feel bad at all for these people. LOCK YOUR DOORS. it is not the 1950s. why dont you also leave your front door at your home unlocked and for that matter wide open when you are not home.

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