Walking Trail Named In Memory Of Jackie Ray Bryant

SMITHFIELD – The Town Council approved a recommendation to name the newly constructed walking trail at Smith-Collins Park in memory of the long-time volunteer, coach, and employee with the town’s Parks & Recreation Department.

“Mr. Bryant was part of the village that raised me,” said Councilman Marlon Lee, a college basketball player and present-day high-school coach and teacher who grew up in East Smithfield’s African-American neighborhood.

The trail was built last year with a grant from the N.C. General Assembly. Mr. Bryant was 71 years old when he died last September.

– Story courtesy The Smithfield Weekly Sun


  1. Mr. Bryant was a great man and this is an nice tribute. Mr. Bryant help my son learn how to play baseball and gave him some life lessons.

  2. Shout out to Mr. Lee for his continuous efforts to make our neighborhood feel like home again none of the efforts go unnoticed and it is very appreciated

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