Wayne County Public Schools released a public statement at 12 Noon Friday stating:
Wayne County Public Schools is closely monitoring reports about the coronavirus (COVID-19) cases being reported across North Carolina. WCPS is committed to following all guidance from local, state, and federal health experts for K-12 schools in its response to COVID-19. In an effort to keep families and staff informed, WCPS has released the following updates:
“Until Further Notice”
Any statement noting an action being in place “until further notice” means that there has been no official date set for when that action will end. As guidance from state and federal health officials is fluid and changing rapidly at times, WCPS will continue revisiting each specific action to ensure they remain aligned with the most current guidelines for schools and the public.
4H, Facility Rentals, Driver’s Ed, & After Hour Events
The Wayne County 4H has canceled its after school programs which are housed in our schools beginning this afternoon. Beginning today, all WCPS facility rental agreements, after school programs, after hours activities or events, and any extra-curricular programs that meet after school are canceled until further notice. This includes youth sports programs, Goldsboro Parks and Recreation programs, and driver’s education programs that utilize school campuses on a regular basis. The SAT scheduled to be held at Goldsboro High this Saturday has been canceled.
All County Band Festival
Next week’s WCPS All County Band Festival has been canceled.
WPCS Events that Attract Large Gatherings during the School Day
All school and district events that draw large gatherings of parents or visitors during the school day are canceled through the end of March. Families and staff should closely monitor WCPS updates in the event this notice is extended.
Rumors & Concerns about COVID-19 in Schools
“Over the past couple weeks, we have heard a number of rumors about people who may have COVID-19 that are connected to our schools,” states Dr. Michael Dunsmore, superintendent. “In each case, school officials have thoroughly investigated, consulted with local and state health officials as needed, and taken appropriate actions based on available information and guidance. To date, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our schools.”
Field Trips/Competitions/Professional Staff Travel
All travel for student field trips, student competitions, and staff professional travel for conferences or trainings remain under review at this time.
Visitors & School Volunteers
Out of an abundance of caution, individuals who are age 65 and older, who have underlying medical conditions, or who are ill are discouraged from visiting our schools or serving as a volunteer. Any visitor or volunteer who is experiencing symptoms of any illness or possible direct exposure to COVID-19 or other sicknesses should refrain from visiting our schools.
Staff Reminders
- All teacher attendance bonus programs at grant funded schools have been suspended until further notice.
- All teachers and staff are encouraged to stay home when sick even if they cannot secure a sub.
- Principals have been directed that if a teacher cannot secure a sub, to use flexibility in how coverage occurs and/or how class schedules can be modified to ensure the teacher can remain home while instruction continues for students in their absence.
- Teachers and staff are to encourage students to regularly wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Hand sanitizer is NOT a substitute for soap, water, and effective hand washing practices and should only be used when soap and water are not available.
- Teachers and staff should encourage students to always cough and sneeze into their sleeves/elbows rather than their hands and to avoid touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
- Teachers and staff should always model these same behaviors.
- In the event a child is sent home sick, teachers need to notify a custodian to discreetly sanitize desk(s) and other areas in the classroom where the student had been.
- School nurses are a valuable resource and should be utilized by teachers and staff to assist with any questions students may have about COVID-19 and/or to share best practices for helping prevent the spread of germs.
Parent Reminders
- All student attendance awards programs have been suspended until the end of March.
- Students need to remain home from school if they are vomiting, having diarrhea, or running a fever of 100 degrees or higher.
- Students need to remain home for a full 24 hours after they stop vomiting, stop having diarrhea, or begin running a normal temperature without taking a fever reducing medication, such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Advil).
- Students need to remain home if they have a bad cold and a thick nasal discharge that is an abnormal color with constant coughing, sneezing or lung congestion.
- In the event you or your child develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19, please refer to the following link: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/steps-when-sick.html
- Parents should encourage children to regularly wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Hand sanitizer should only be used when soap and water are not available.
- Parents should encourage their child to cough into their sleeves/elbows and not touch their nose, mouth or eyes.
- Parents should model this behavior at home.
- Parents should have current contact numbers on file at their child’s school and in PowerSchool to ensure they can be contacted if their child becomes ill while at school.
- Parents should develop a plan for transportation and childcare so they can be prepared if their child becomes ill at school and needs to be checked out early.