Series features various local authors and their novels.
Johnston Community College’s World of Words Writer’s Series officially kicked off Feb. 13 in the Frank Creech Art Gallery.
The series, supported by a JCC Foundation innovation grant, is designed to raise awareness about literature and the importance of words and writing.
Dr. Tammy Bird, department chair of English, humanities, and foreign language, was the first featured author in the series reading from her novel Sandman.
During the reading, Bird shared with students, faculty and staff in attendance the importance of solid research in character development as well as time spent perfecting writing.
“One of the things you have to do as a writer and one of the things that takes the most time is research,” she said. “I have to find subject matter experts and people who can talk to me through that lens. It takes months, years to research a novel to put it together.”
The series continues through April and will feature four other artists: Hope Dougherty on Feb. 21, Marina Delveccio on Feb. 27, Tammy Bird on March 21, Carrie Knowles on April 4, and Travis Mulhauser on April 24.
All readings are held in the gallery in the STEAM Building from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.