FOUR OAKS – A collision between a tractor trailer and passenger car sent one person to the hospital. The accident happened just after 1:00pm Monday on US 301 North near Thunder Road.
A female driver, traveling northbound in Chrysler passenger car, struck the trailer of a semi truck pulling onto US 301 to travel southbound.

The female was transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The truck driver was not harmed.

Four Oaks Police said the driver of the car was involved in a minor incident a few minutes earlier. The woman had gone to McDonald’s in Four Oaks, and while traveling through the parking lot, a storm drain cover collapsed under the weight of her car wheel. A wrecker had to be used to lift the car wheel out of the storm drain. She had just left McDonald’s and was traveling towards Smithfield when the traffic accident occurred.
Not a good day for her it appears