SMITHFIELD – An 18 year-old driver attempted to elude law enforcement officers trying to stop her, Wednesday evening. It all started when she reportedly sped away from a Trooper on patrol on Interstate 40 in Johnston County.

The teenager eventually pulled over, after being clocked at 99 miles per hour behind the wheel of a Dodge Charger on I-40, but the female motorist drove away from the traffic stop.

The Trooper pursued the young driver westbound on I-40 then onto Cleveland Road, at high speeds down the dark two-lane road into Smithfield.

Authorities said the young driver collided with at three other vehicles along the way, leaving damaged cars but no injuries.

Eventually, she drove out of sight of the two pursuing troopers who were trying to stop her. The chase was called off.

Minutes later the red Dodge Charger was found abandoned in the Dollar General parking lot on West Market Street where it had collided with a parked car. The driver had fled on foot aid disappeared into the darkness.

The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office, Smithfield Police, Highway Patrol troopers on foot and in the air, and a K-9 unit searched for the suspect. She was eventually located near the Johnston County Public Schools Facility Services building on NC 210 at West Market Street. She surrendered without further incident.

Evelyn Diaz-Lopez of Angier was taken to the Johnston County Detention Center on numerous charges including felony fleeing to elude arrest, failure to heed light or siren, hit and run, speeding 99 mph in a 70 mph zone, speeding 150 mph in a 70 mph zone, fictitious information to an officer, failure to carry a drivers license. Diaz-Lopez was held under a $200,000 secured bond.
Has she lost her mind. She will not see outside of a jail for a very long time
I can only hope that she gets put away for a long time but I don’t know if I have that much faith in judges anymore.
Thank God she didn’t hurt anyone during her reckless and dangerous driving.
Jen, I wholeheartedly agree with you but I think if history repeats itself (as with this becoming a reg thing) she’ll probably get a light tap on the wrist. Imagine at those speeds the lives that could have been lost. This behavior has to stop!!!!
More of the same everyday. See the trend?
Care to enlighten us?
I think they’re referring to people in chargers speeding and eluding police
That’s I was seeing a lot of heavy presence of law enforcement’s last. They were all over the place riding up & down on Market St.
Trump’s been elected for 3 weeks, and we STILL have crimes going on. More broken campaign promises
Agree with you Steve. 100 percent.
You are an idiot if you think he can do anything before he is inaugurated.
Dang she must be playing those video racing games……. .why did she run.
Bad girl bad girl what ya gonna do what ya gonna do when they come for you. Lol
I know the whole family,for so many years,all of them are Christians including Evelyn,she actually grew up in a church,but getting in a age like this was getting out of it little by little,now,she went in to a church event for 3 days and a day after this just happened,is not an alcoholic,drugs or any of those mentally people problems,I feel on my heart so sad for her and family because if you can see police report doesn’t say was under drugs,or any other symptoms..But justice is justice,hopefully she didn’t hurt nobody,only herself.
Da*n I hoped she got away
fictitious information to an officer, failure to carry a driver’s license. Diaz-Lopez. 1+1=2, If you don’t understand sit down and do the math. Thank God a new president will be coming into office soon. In the meantime, I am with all of you except Dang, I hope she gets put away for a long, long time and thank God no LEOs or civilians were injured. Great job NC State Hwy Patrol and Johnston County Sheriff’s Office.
The new president who is also a convicted felon!
Girl should join Nascar! She ditched the police and went outta site. Yes it’s wrong to do what she did. I can only say she missed her calling.
She would not have sped away if she was not guilty of more than speeding initially. It just doesn’t make sense. Guessing she is either an illegal immigrant or had drugs on her. She will probably get a slap on the wrist either way. If the courts don’t start being tougher, these incidents will continue, which is a shame. She could have killed many by her actions.
Agree completely with you.
Trump is not in office yet and you expect him to clear things over night when someone couldn’t do it in 4 years we must be on our knees praying.
Elect a convicted felon, and crime just becomes normal.
Not really, remember that the one who throws the stone and hides his hand is not the guilty one, but the victim in these times.