Angier Fire Truck Damaged Under Suspicious Circumstances

An engine belonging to the Angier Black River Fire Department and a concrete post outside the firehouse were recently damaged as shown here in these photos provided by an anonymous tipster. The damage is under investigation.

Town leaders mum on investigation

Photographs provided by an anonymous tipster show damage to a fire engine at the Angier Black River Fire Department. The damage sparked an investigation that has now left some town leaders speechless.

The photos show a dented wheel well, a crumpled bumper flecked with yellow paint and damage to a concrete pole — painted yellow — outside of the firehouse.

Officials with the department are refusing to comment on the truck’s damage, saying the case involves a personnel matter and that Angier police are investigating the incident.

The Angier Police Department confirmed an investigation is underway.

“I can’t tell you anything about it, it’s under investigation right now,” fire department Board of Directors President Nick Dupree said. “Two reasons, it’s a personnel matter and the second reason is it’s under investigation and we’re not at liberty to talk about it while it’s under investigation.”

A copy of the police report has not been made available.

The damage was allegedly caused when a member of the department on leave of absence was seen late at night taking truck No. 922 out of the firehouse, according to the person who provided photos anonymously to The Daily Record.

When asked about the estimated cost to repair the damages, Dupree again declined to comment.

“We don’t have that, it’s still part of the investigation,” he said. “We still don’t have that information yet.”

Asked when he believed the investigation would be completed, Dupree said he had no timeline.

“I don’t, I wish I did. Right now, right off the top of my head, I don’t,” Dupree said. “As far as the board is concerned it’s in the middle stages of the investigation.”

The Angier Police Department investigator assigned to the case, is on vacation and will not be available for comment until next week, according to APD.

Contributed Photos

-The Daily Record