Angier Sets Roadmap To Future

By Emily Weaver
The Daily Record of Dunn

ANGIER – The Angier Board of Commissioners adopted a five-year strategic plan and a list of key performance indicators at its meeting Tuesday night, signaling the next step in shaping the town’s future.

The plan is made up of six goals to guide the town’s “focus, action plans and resource alignment,” according to McGill Associates, a consulting firm in Asheville that facilitated the planning process and prepared the town’s final report. 

“By establishing overarching strategic priorities and underlying objectives, the plan enables us to be transparent about our goals, focused on our efforts and accountable for results,” the company noted in its presentation to the board.

“… This is what we’ve been working toward,” said Mayor Bob Jusnes. “This is just like putting our seal on everything we’ve been working to (accomplish) up until this point.”

The six goals are to:

1. Plan and implement sustainable infrastructure: by continuing to invest in the town’s water system, stormwater and traffic management; implementing recommendations from a flood mitigation study; and completing and implementing recommendations from a pedestrian plan 

2. Operate as an excellent public service organization: by attracting, retaining and recruiting skilled employees; providing competitive pay and benefits; investing in technology, equipment and tools to improve productivity; and implementing “listening sessions” to encourage employee engagement

3. Promote community and economic development: by attracting new businesses and supporting new development; marketing and promoting local businesses; promoting town events and showcasing the downtown area; and supporting the Community Development Advisory Board in developing activities and projects

4. Responsibly manage residential growth: by updating the comprehensive plan and land uses; reviewing goals, regulations, ordinances and standards for residential developments; and exploring creative options to expand housing ownership opportunities

5. Develop an outstanding park and recreation system: by completing land acquisition and funding the “New Park” construction; supporting the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in setting policy direction; reviewing parks and recreation fees and cost recovery objectives; and reviewing open space requirements associated with proposed residential developments

6. Provide a high level of public safety: by enhancing law enforcement effectiveness with enhanced officer safety equipment and training; strengthening neighborhood relations, outreach and crime prevention; expanding traffic enforcement for transportation safety, efficiencies and effectiveness; and completing the design and construction of the new police building

Angier’s Strategic Plan was crafted from the leadership and vision of the mayor, the Board of Commissioners and Town Manager Elizabeth Krige, along with input from community members, town staff and Angier stakeholders.

The board approved the plan in a 4-0 vote.

Key performance indicators

To complete the strategic plan, the town agreed to set actionable steps and performance indicators — a checklist to show Angier is on the right path.

Those key performance indicators are:

For Goal 1 on sustainable infrastructure: Complete the Junny Road water tank; complete the core water system replacement; complete the town’s priority 4 and 5 sewer line rehabilitation; implement “Mitigation Measure No. 3” at South Broad Street; and complete an updated pedestrian plan and implement recommendations

For Goal 2 on excellent public service: Implement building inspections software that will automate the process for permit generation and fee collection; replace computer and other hardware on recommended schedule; conduct quarterly listening sessions that will give employees voice and improve communication; conduct stay interviews with employees to understand what their needs are and the places where the organization can improve; and implement merit increases for top performing employees

For Goal 3 on community and economic development: establish a nonprofit organization that will invest in quality-of-life amenities; utilize social media and other forms of communication to promote the town and local businesses; coordinate monthly Community Development Advisory Board meetings and subcommittee meetings; identify and facilitate funding for downtown beautification projects; join the Main Street Program; track the number of new businesses opened and inquiries into vacant spaces; track the number of new jobs created; and track the increase in tax base from new businesses

For Goal 4 on managing residential growth: fund and launch the comprehensive land use planning process; consider adoption of conditional zoning and architectural standards; review and recommend updates to the Unified Development Ordinance; and facilitate a board work session on housing needs and affordability to establish policy direction for staff

For Goal 5 on parks and rec: complete land acquisition and construction of entrance to the “new park”; decommission spray fields; begin construction on the new park’s phase 1; pursue grant funding opportunities to fund the new park; commission independent review of recreation fees and cost recovery; and coordinate Parks & Recreation Advisory meetings and relay policy proposals to the board

For Goal 6 on public safety: expand training opportunities for all staff; require crisis intervention training for all police supervisors; upfit vehicles with radar and purchase a lidar system; purchase and install license plate readers; purchase and install new radar speed limit signs for Broad Street; implement a monthly newsletter to be shared with employees and the community; continue monthly awareness posts on social media; select a design-build contractor; and secure funds from USDA for funding the new police station

Checking list

The town is well on its way checking off items on Angier’s to-do list.

The Board of Commissioners agreed to amended steps in using American Rescue Plan funding to complete its core water system replacement and Junny Road water tank at Tuesday’s meeting.

In a vote of 2-1, the board also agreed to create six video podcasts to promote the town. 

The town board adopted changes to its unified development ordinance with a conditional zoning text amendment that will help the town have more say in multi-family residential projects.

The board also voted to allow up to $200,000 of general fund revenue to be applied towards interim financing to begin construction of the town’s new police station. This amount will count as the town’s contribution towards USDA financing.