Antoine: School Board Vice Chairman Should Resign Or Be Removed From Office

SMITHFIELD – Johnston County School board member Michelle Antoine released the following statement this afternoon (Monday) regarding the special-called meeting earlier today to discuss a grievance filed against her by a school employee:

Over the last several years, education leaders across the country, along with the U.S. Attorney General, admonished supposed violent acts and rhetoric at school board meetings. Our Johnston County elected official, vice chair of the Board of Education, Terry Tippett, stood up at today’s open session meeting and threatened another board member with real physical violence. When the camera cut away, Terry Tippett made forward physical motion to engage in physical violence against Ron Johnson. Mr. Johnson remained calm and reasoned. Two sheriff’s deputies had to move to the front of the room to mitigate the violent threat. The board chair Lyn Andrews, who orchestrated this meeting, smiled as the threats of violence were made.

It is unthinkable that an elected official should threaten physical violence on anyone, especially a fellow board member. Terry Tippett should face serious repercussions, including real consideration for removal from elected office, by whatever mechanism available, should he not resign.

In the matter before the board today, the grievant’s complaint was found inadequate to prove any violations. The investigating attorneys manufactured their own false claims, and those will be handled in an actual court of law.

The sad truth is the students and staff of our schools took a backseat, so the political ambitions of the chair and vice chair could be carried out today. Johnston County deserves better school board leadership.


  1. Us parents and taxpayers now can have some idea how Christ felt when he was betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver? For those of us that voted for Terry“Judas”Tippett we have to wonder did Lynn”Ma”Andrews pay our imposter with silver too? We parents and taxpayers wants Michelle”Mother Teresa”Antoine to know that you have our full support for displaying an enormous about of bravery and integrity that this board is so in need of. The next election is closer than you think and I do think they will be a massive cleanup at 2320 US-70 BUS, Smithfield, NC 27577!!!

    • Any Board Member that Threatens another board member with physical violence should apologize to the public and resigned immediately if they have any integrity at all. That is shameful. I think Tippett is a puppet of Andrews and some others for their political interests.

  2. Terry Tippett has been a big disappointment for some that voted for him. We were told he would be a good board member, however, he has just continued the political crap of the members that have left this board. The only difference this time, it is against Antoine instead of Johnson. It is sad that these members are not about the needs of students and staff

    • It’s obvious to most that both Antoine and Ronald Johnson are there to disrupt, and not do what’s best for the students. I mean, this meeting was all about her unethical behavior. Likewise, it’s Ronald Johnson who is under criminal indictment for extortion. The man is simply unethical and he has created the absolute mess on the board.

  3. Folks I don’t want to leave out our unwavering support for the top vote getting machine our, THE HONORABLE RON-JON!!! The gift that keeps on giving and we would had never known any of this if not for him? RON-JON we are still waiting to donate to your legal fund should you give the request? Just name the website and we will be there to help fight the Washington DC justice system playbook!!!

    • Terry Tippett has been a great disappointment indeed. I voted, and encouraged others to vote for him. But not again. Never would have guessed I’d side with Ron Johnson against him. Michelle Antione is trying to bring transparency and accountability to the school board. ($8million ring a bell?)

      • I am so tired of hearing about this 8 million dollars that she ranted on about and morons like you keep bringing up. Stephen Britt did an extremely detailed analysis proving it to be false, an independent 3rd party auditor reviewed and said there was no money missing. Then Michelle and Ronald both voted yes to retain the firm as the auditor for the board. If Michelle thought the information he gave was false, then why would she ever vote to retain his services!!!

      • Do I have to know everything here on this forum? The question, why is Mr. Richard “Dickie” Braswell is still on the board of commissioners is?

        1. Because he is Richard “Dickie” Braswell.
        2. Because he going through a messy prenuptial agreement divorce.
        3. Because us Johnston County Voters and Commissioners love him.

        Hint-the answer is aways number 3.

        • That shows me a lot about the voters in the county. Charged with what he is charged with and still voted in. Nothing going to change with this county. All I can do is vote and hope for the best.

  4. Ron and Michelle still have my support. Hopefully Lyn and Terry will be voted out next time they are up for re-election, as well as some of the others.

  5. Clowns like her that did not even have kids in public school should not be allowed to be on the school board.

    • Having an outside view of the public school system is beneficial. As well her being a taxpayer makes her eligible and qualified to be on the board. Not supporting her in particular just saying more of the same type of person is not always beneficial.

  6. If anyone was ever curious how a child feels living in a home with toxic parents, here you go. Wikipedia could easily cite this school board as the gold standard when researching Dereliction of Duty. It takes a special kind of selfishness to work this hard against putting the students/parents/taxpayers first.

  7. This board is clearly in full failure mode. A special council should be appointed by the governor to establish new elections and replace the entire board.

  8. This goes way back–and for those that have not been paying attention, this is what we get. Ron Johnson and Michelle Antoine are puppets of CAAG, the felon-led PAC that they show allegiance to. Not enough room here to say what was in the court docs about Johnson and Antoine uses her bullying tactics BAMN to get others to look bad. Yes, there are unanswered questions from before Tracy Z but electing those two is not a way to get transparency. The whole board needs to replaced.

  9. Every single one of thr 80,000 JoCo residents who voted for any of these clowns should be ashamed of themselves. We don’t need a voter ID law — we need a voter IQ law!!!!

  10. Soon these people won’t be able to walk down the street. You’re witnessing the greatest awakening in American history started by the greatest POTUS in history. Do some research. Start with the letter Q

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