Archer Lodge To Hold First Annual Shred-It Event

Due to the popularity of Johnston County Register of Deeds Craig Olive’s annual Shred-It Event in Smithfield each year, the Town of Archer Lodge is hoping to have an equally successful event in February.

This month, town council voted unanimously to hold their first shred-it event at the Archer Lodge Community Center on Saturday, February 4th, 2017 from 10:00am until 1:00pm.  The event is free to the public but will cost the town up to $675.

The Shred-It Event will allow Archer Lodge residents a way to dispose of personal documents like receipts, credit card information, bank statements, returned checks, and other sensitive information that needs to be safely discarded.

Olive said identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. Every 3 seconds someone’s identity is stolen. Johnston County is located near towns that rank 4th and 20th in the nation for being a victim of identity theft. In 2009, Olive was credited with getting a tougher Identity Theft Protection bill passed in the North Carolina General Assembly.