“Everything is going to be okay no matter what”

ARCHER LODGE – A Johnston County mother is in need of financial support as she battles stage 4 cancer. Jennifer Pervis is the mother of 5 children and the stepmom to one.
In March 2022, Jennifer was diagnosed with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRRC), which is a form of kidney cancer. When it was found, the cancer had spread to outside tissue, and was in stage 3. Jennifer underwent chemotherapy and radiation. In March 2023, Jennifer was told her cancer was in remission.
Unfortunately that was very short lived.

A few weeks later, Jennifer found a lump in her throat and immediately went to see her oncologist. After a biopsy and pet scan, her worst fears were confirmed.
Jennifer was diagnosed with terminal stage 4 metastatic kidney cancer. The cancer had spread to Jennifer’s lymph nodes, three tumors in her liver, and one in her right lung. All of this happened in a two-month period.
Jennifer immediately sent her test results to multiple cancer hospitals. Most turned her away. One doctor said it would be a miracle for Jennifer to be alive to see Christmas this year, even with treatments. Needless to say Jennifer and her family have been devastated by the diagnosis.
Recently, MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas accepted the challenge to help Jennifer fight to live. They agreed to admit Jennifer and attempt to treat the aggressive cancer.

“It is very expensive to get there and to stay and I will have to go multiple times. My first appointment is July 11th. I will fly out July 10th and my husband and I will have to stay for three weeks,” Jennifer said. “While we are gone, he will not be working, so we just need help with travel and expenses while gone. That’s why my fundraiser was started.”
Every day has its own challenges. “Right now it’s more of like a day-by-day situation. I am only taking chemotherapy pills so I can keep my strength up to go to Texas. Some days I am bedridden, nauseated and throwing up. I can’t get out of bed. And some days I can go to the grocery store. I can no longer drive. The chemo has caused nerve damage and it is hard to walk,” Jennifer says.
Jennifer and her family have a phrase they like to repeat to one another, “Everything is going to be ok, no matter what.” Jennifer says that phrase is something they hold on to, and she believes it is true.
A fundraiser has been established to raise $10,000 to allow Jennifer and her husband to stay in Houston through August 1, when the treatments will end. Family and friends also have “No Matter What” bracelets for sale for $3 each.

The trip to Texas for cancer treatment that could give Jennifer extra hours or days with her children is a priority. “Right now it is the most important thing. Talking to other doctors, it is very devastating. They don’t think I have much time left. I am not looking for a cure, I know it is terminal, but I want time. My youngest is five and he is severely autistic. My oldest is 18. The youngest one doesn’t understand. I want more time to be with them. It would be devastating to leave them.”
Don’t take time with your family for granted. Jennifer says extra time is what she hopes the cancer treatments can give her to spend with her children, Christopher, age 5; Chase, age 8; Gavin, age 11; Gloria, age 16; Adam, age 18, and step-daughter Maliayah, age 20.
The Pervis family has received support from their family, neighbors, and from Corinth Holders High School where her husband is a teacher and former assistant football coach. However, they are still short of reaching the $10,000 goal to make the trip to Texas.
You can make a donation here. You can order a bracelet by emailing Jennifer at mrspervis18@gmail.com
Jennifer hopes a public fundraiser can be held in the coming days at her parent’s church, Branch Chapel Church near Selma. We’ll update you when the event is scheduled.
So very sorry for your diagnosis and the lack of support from all those doctors & hospitals. I hope the donations, your treatments, and time with your family all materialize and go well.