Braswell Concedes Commission Race To Stewart

Richard “Dickie” Braswell

The Primary Election for the District 3 seat on the Johnston County Board of Commissioners is final.  In an email Friday morning to WTSB News, Johnston County Elections Director Leigh Anne Price and Clerk of Court Michelle Ball, Richard “Dickie” Braswell of Princeton said he was conceding the race to incumbent Chad Stewart of Four Oaks.

Braswell trailed Stewart by 18 votes after the May 8th Primary. The lead grew to 23 votes after provisional and absentee ballots were certified on May 17th.  Braswell requested a machine recount on May 18th which was performed yesterday. Stewart held a 22 vote lead after Thursday’s machine recount. Braswell gained only a single vote due to a ballot jam in one precinct.

Braswell had the option of calling for a hand-eye count, a manual recount of two random precincts, before 5pm today, but in a letter said he did not believe it would change the outcome.

“I hereby concede that Chad has won the right to represent the people of District 3 on the Johnston County Board of Commissioners,” Mr. Braswell said in his letter. “I encourage all those who supported my candidacy to solidly support Chad so that he can be a strong advocate for all the people of Johnston County. I comment Chad for conducting a very civil campaign. He has my full confidence and support.”

“While I cannot rule out another challenge in four years, I wish Chad and all the other commissioners the best as they strive to keep Johnston County moving forward. Johnston County is and should continue to be the fastest growing county in our state. With more than fifty thousand new residents expected to make Johnston County their home in the next four years, our commissioners have many challenges ahead. I hope everyone will keep Chad and his family in your prayers as he prepares to help lead Johnston County through another four-year term.”

“I will always be extremely grateful for all the prayers and support of those who gave me the confidence of their vote in the May 8th Primary. I will continue to advocate for those platforms and changes that were a part of my campaign platform.”

Click Here To Read Mr. Braswell’s Letter

Stewart has no Democratic opposition in the November general election.

Statement From Commissioner Stewart
In a statement Friday afternoon Commissioner Chad Stewart said, “I am humbled and honored to have the opportunity to represent District 3 as your Johnston County Commissioner for another term. I would like thank the Johnston County Board of Elections for their due diligence and efforts in finalizing the results of this election in reference to District 3.”

Commissioner Chad Stewart

“I would like to commend my opponent Mr. Dickie Braswell for a respectful and clean campaign. Furthermore, I would like for him to know I respect his decision to ensure that the election results fairly represented the desire of voters of Johnston County.  I want to thank each Johnston County citizen that voted, for taking the time to voice your right to vote. To my campaign workers and supporters, in the past and for this campaign, thank you for your continued confidence in me as your District 3 Johnston County Commissioner. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Ursula, and our family for their undying support in my endeavors.”

“As your commissioner, my commitment will continue to be to the students, teachers, and taxpayers of our county. As such, as in the past, I will support the three pillars of which our county foundation was built. These pillars include economic growth, good education, and our faith community.  My continued focus on these 3 pillars will help ensure a strong future for our children and grandchildren,” Stewart said in his statement.