Thursday, December 26, 2024

Governor Cooper Op-Ed: The Path To A Stronger, Healthier Future For North Carolina

Op-Ed By Governor Roy Cooper This pandemic has affected every corner of our state, including our state budget needs. For many families, it has also...

Cooper Seeking Too Much Power

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — Throughout his gubernatorial term, Roy Cooper has sought vastly to expand the power of his office at the expense of...

Past Governors Budgeted More Carefully

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — As a fiscal conservative, I long for the days when North Carolina had responsible governors who responded to recessionary budget...

COVID Response Creates Policy Options

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — Although working from home provides a great deal of flexibility and potential benefits, professional and personal, most of us don’t...

Spy And Statesman Fought For Freedom

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — Whether Democrat Yvonne Holley or Republican Mark Robinson wins the 2020 race for lieutenant governor, North Carolinians will be electing...

You Decide: Did One-Third Of The Economy Disappear?

By Dr. Mike Walden The headlines were eye-popping. “Economy shrinks by one-third”.  “All economic growth from the last five-years wiped-out”.  “Worse than the Great Depression...

Marxism Remains A Dangerous Idea

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — Marxism is one of the most catastrophic ideas in history. Tyrants and butchers inspired by the noxious notions of Karl...

The Reality Of A “Post COVID” World In Education

Op Ed By: Dr. Chuck Williams As schools across the country rightly focus on getting students, teachers and staff back to school safely in the...

Summer Polls Are Flawed Predictors

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — In this year that sometimes feels like a decade, North Carolinians have yet to cast a single general-election ballot for...

Pols Can’t Be Daydream Believers

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — North Carolina’s state and local governments will likely overspend their projected revenue this year by billions of dollars. So far,...