Monday, July 15, 2024

Home Commentary/Opinion


Opinion: Three Republicans Vie To Challenge Marshall

By John Hood RALEIGH — Our state’s constitutional system mirrors the federal system in some ways. North Carolina has three branches of government, for...

District Closings Boost Homeschooling

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — North Carolina is already the homeschooling capital of the United States. Now the attraction of this education option is soaring...

Lieutenant Governor Rivals Differ Sharply

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — The post of lieutenant governor is a constitutional office in North Carolina, and the only one empowered to exercise both...

You Decide: Will 2022 Be A Boom, Bust Or In-Between?

By Mike Walden Although all the final numbers aren’t in, it appears North Carolina experienced a very good economy in 2021. The rebound from...

State Economic Recovery Is Sputtering

By JOHN HOOD RALEIGH — According to the latest jobs report, North Carolina’s headline unemployment rate fell to 6.5% in August, down from 8.5% in...

Superintendent Races Draw Five Candidates

By John Hood RALEIGH — Of the 10 executive offices that make up North Carolina’s Council of State, half will be open seats in...

Op-Ed: Rewriting Election Laws Is Outrageous And Irresponsible

By: NC Senator Brent Jackson Rewriting election laws right in the middle of an election is outrageous and irresponsible, but that is exactly what the...

The Tragedies of January 6

Op Ed By Congressman David Rouzer I hear from so many who say, “I don’t know who or what to trust anymore.”  Trust is foundational...

You Decide: What Made Today’s North Carolina Economy?

By Dr. Mike Walden During one of my recent early morning workouts at the local YMCA in Raleigh, I met an impressive young person. He...

Breaking The Habit Of Not Showing Up

SPONSORED CONTENT By Dillon Schupp "We're playing it safe." And that's been completely understandable for the last year or so. Even long time Christians...