Charges Filed In Clayton-Area Robbery

CLAYTON – The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office has filed charges against two young suspects in connection with an armed robbery.

Demarion Oshay Hollenquest, 18, of Kay Drive, Smithfield and a juvenile have been charged. On April 14, the 16 year-old victim said they accepted a ride from West Smithfield to an address on Reeder Branch Drive, off Rock Pillar Road.

After arriving at the address, the victim said a Ford pickup pulled into the driveway and several people exited. The victim recognized at least one of the individuals from school. The known suspect reportedly approached the victim and at gunpoint demanded money.

The victim reportedly told the suspect he didn’t have any money. That’s when the suspect grabbed the victim’s cell phone and left. Later, $897 was transferred from a cash app on the victim’s cell phone to another account.

Authorities said Hollenquest was not the gunman but assisted the juvenile with the robbery. Hollenquest was charged with robbery with a dangerous weapon and conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon. The juvenile is facing similar charges on a juvenile petition.


    • What is the cause of crime committed by homes with fathers? Do you know this young man?
      Are you familiar with his home life and structure? Are you just drawn to comment about crimes where the defendant is black? I never see any of your snide comments on other crime posts.

      • I lived it. Been there. Statistics dont lie:

        Father absence as a predictor of violence is robust for both male and female violence.
        70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from single-parent homes
        Individuals from father-absent homes are 279% more likely to carry guns and deal drugs than their peers
        Most adolescents who enter the justice system have suffered from parental abandonment, substance abuse, or a dysfunctional household.
        In a study of 75 juvenile delinquents, 66% experienced fatherlessness, 20% had never lived with their father, and 25% had an alcoholic father.
        It has been reported that fatherless children are anywhere from 3 to 20 times more likely to be incarcerated than children raised in dual-parent households.
        71% of teachers and 90% of law enforcement officials state that the lack of parental supervision at home is a major factor that contributes to violence in schools.
        In a study of 56 school shootings, only 10 of the shooters (18%) were raised in a stable home with both biological parents. 82% grew up in either an unstable family environment or grew up without both biological parents together.
        Some data suggests 72 percent of adolescent murderers and 70 percent of long-term prison inmates come from fatherless homes
        Children who feel closeness to their father are 80% less likely to spend time in jail
        75% percent of adolescent patients in substance abuse centers are from fatherless homes.
        Of America’s roughly 2 million prisoners, over 800,000 are parents—and 92 percent of those are fathers.
        Around 2.7 million children have at least one parent in prison.

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