Church Break-In Reported

ZEBULON – The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a break-in at a house of worship. The incident was reported July 5th at Word of God Church, at 1669 Earpsboro Road, Zebulon, in northern Johnston County.

Between July 2nd and July 5th, someone entered the church and stole a chain securing a lawnmower. The mower was not stolen. The chain was valued at $100. No other items were taken.

The break-in has been assigned to a detective.


  1. When I was growing up, a friend owned a service station. He bought a Newfoundland dog as a guard dog for the station at night. Somebody broke in, stole the dog and left all the tools and auto parts. That’s what this reminds me of.

    • It’s sad to take anything that does not belong to you, but your story is funny like your is 🙂

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