CLAYTON – For the third consecutive year, Clayton Middle held its Color Games on November 30, wrapping up the school’s two week fundraising efforts in partnership with APEX Leadership Co.
Student leaders were chosen to help kick off the fundraiser with a pep rally that included games, color demonstrations, and, everyone’s favorite, a head to head dance battle.
Principal Sandra Morris even got in on the fun by being wrapped in toilet paper and covered in color powder. “It has been amazing seeing the collaborative efforts of our staff, students, and community partners, Apex Leadership, Co. These efforts will provide educational opportunities for our students that are invaluable and will last a lifetime,” said Morris.

The goal of this year’s fundraiser was to raise money to provide all grade-level hallways with collaboration labs. The labs are designated spaces set up with flexible seating options, and are available for teachers to reserve. “Our fundraising goals over the past few years and beyond are offering our students places to work collaboratively in a student-led environment, which is imperative to critical thinking, and personal development,” stated Clayton Middle Media Specialist Rebecca Lee.
Flexible seating options will allow teachers and students to configure the space quickly to a layout that works best for their task at hand. Collaboration labs give students the opportunity to get out of the traditional classroom setting, lending a hand to active learning, opening the door for them to take the lead in their own learning experience. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator and the students lead the way.

For Clayton Middle, this is the largest fundraising event of the year, filled with various games and activities each day during the two weeks, and ending with the Color Games on the final day.
Held on the football field, students rotated through events including tug of war, dodgeball, and a relay race complete with a pool full of color powder.
The grand finale was the Color Battle in which students were given bags with safe, non-toxic, and biodegradable color powder. Then everyone gathered in a big huddle, and threw their color powder in the air simultaneously. That moment symbolized the unified effort of everyone involved in the event. “The Clayton Middle School family is extremely grateful for each and every one who understands the importance of innovative educational opportunities and have supported this event,” concluded Morris.