Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell and Register of Deeds Craig Olive will receive higher salaries following a vote by the Johnston County Board of Commissioners.

During their August meeting, the board agreed to increase the salary of Sheriff Bizzell from $141,010.68 to $164,000.04 annually, an increase of 13.4 percent.
Mr. Olive received a 6.6 percent salary adjustment from $98,473.56 to $105,000.
Commissioner Fred Smith made the motion to approve the salary hikes. Commissioner Patrick Harris seconded the motion, which was approved in a 7-to-0 vote.
Sheriff Bizzell and Mr. Olive are the only two elected positions on County staff.
County Manager Rick Hester said the vote to increase their salaries was made in public session to be transparent.
Some could think that by Mr. Hester saying this was done in public session was to ensure transparency, was to say the School Board closed session of trying to pass $180,000.00 out the back door isn’t being on the up and up. Tax Payers and Parents think about it this way. $180-K-Carroll and the school board wants to hire the old school superintendent Mr. Parker to do the job of what the new school superintendent Mr. Bracy should be doing. Remember chairman Mr. Sutton said he thinks he needs to hear the recommendation of school superintendent Mr. Bracy on this matter? Why wouldn’t Mr. Bracy not want to spend money to have someone to do his job for him?
Nothing for all the Deputies, or school teachers, or EMS or Fire Dept though. What’s new…
EXACTLY!!! The one’s other than Sheriff Bizzell that does risk his life daily also that has worked countless hours and put their life along with their families at risk!!! Where are their funds???? …. JoCo has really gotten SHAMELESS ……. Clean sweep and start over !
All county employess got a 3% cost of living adjustment in June -July
We have law enforcement officers that can’t even make ends meet on such a ridiculous salary! Give them a raise!!! They risk their life everyday for our safety!
It’s the JOCO Good Old Boy way.
So disgusting to be happy about fertjng a raise hen your staff (office, law enforcement, etc) are struggling.