Convenience Store Burglars Cause Extensive Damage

MICRO – The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a convenience store break-in. The incident occurred between 2:30am and 5:55am on Saturday, July 13 at the Micro Mini Mart, on US 301 in the Micro city limits.

Deputies said two unknown suspects shattered a glass door to gain entry. Once inside, they stole $82 worth of Newport cigarettes and damaged video gaming equipment. Damage to the door and gaming equipment was estimated at $10,000.

Anyone with information about the Micro Mini Mart break-in is asked to contact the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office at 919-989-5000.


  1. Might have been a different outcome if micro had police officers on duty. But they have no police depth and have not for several months. Town depending on routine deputy patrols to protect their town. If they had a brain they would contract with sheriff for dedicated patrol of town.

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