Court Orders Demolition Of Former Church Building

SELMA — A superior court judge has ordered the demolition of a former church building at the corner of Highway 301 and E Waddell Street in Downtown Selma. The building’s current state has been deemed unsafe, condemned, and unhabitable.

On September 7, 2023, the Town of Selma filed a complaint against Selma Islamic Center, Inc., and the Free Spirit Missionary Baptist Church to declare the dilapidated church building, located at 109 West Waddell Street, a public nuisance and safety hazard.

Before filing the complaint, the Town and Johnston County Inspectors had provided numerous notices to the owners requiring them to bring the property into compliance with state law and ordinances. Free Spirit Missionary Baptist Church owned the property for nearly 33 years and failed to properly maintain it. Before selling the property, Free Spirit Missionary Baptist Church requested it to be rezoned Central Business by the Town. Rather than fixing the building, after it was posted as condemned and uninhabitable, Free Spirit Missionary Baptist Church, sold the property to the Selma Islamic Center.

On May 29, 2024, Superior Court Judge John Smith signed a Default Judgment awarding a monetary judgment to the Town and authorized the Town to demolish the building. After answering the complaint, Selma Islamic Center, Inc. entered into a Consent Judgment signed by Superior Court Judge Tom Lock on June 10, 2024.

The Judgment authorizes the Town to demolish and remove the dilapidated building for $80,000.00. The Judgment also grants Selma Islamic Center, Inc. six months to reimburse the Town for the demolition costs, without paying interest. After six months, if the Town has not been reimbursed, it can execute the Judgment by selling the property and collecting interest at 8 percent.

Demolition is scheduled for August 2024, to ensure timely cleanup.

The Town of Selma will continue to update the public on the status of the project and any safety precautions or closures that may be necessary.


  1. It’s a historical building it should be saved. The stone work will be trashed and ruined. So sad.

    • Lol i know right. Maybe some public parking would be nice. I know it isnt a huge necessity yet but why not plan ahead for once?

  2. Bingo !! God of the Bible is true and this is just another prophecy come true. We live in the time known as the Great Falling Away from Christianity. Churches once dedicated to God are being bought by Islamic faith. And with eyes see & know what time it is!! watch man

    • Read some history, one of the greatest churches ever constucted and worshipped in, Hagia Sophia, was turned into a mosque 700 years ago and the world didn’t end then. To this day the Mohammed worshippers love copying it’s dome architecture. They have a history for stealing good ideas from Christians and perverting them, it’s kinda their thing.

  3. To a untrained eye the sagging vautled cieling is in need to be destroyed but it is only asking for help and to be saved. If we treated humans this old the same way we would just destroy all who live in a nursing home, however; we destroy a perfect forming baby up to birth and after birth the same way. CONDEMNED!!!

    • Whoa, tell me you know NOTHING about constitution without telling me you know nothing about construction. Unlike you I’ve actual been inside this Chruch. It would take very little money compared to some of the ventures the Town Conceal and the Mayor have wasted. And WTF are you talking about anyway? Babies and Nursing home? lol Do everyone a favor and don’t type unless you actually know what you’re speaking about. It’s just pitiful.

  4. Beautiful Building but I believe it also caught on fire. While we are at it, let’s remove some of the trash houses and drug dealers in selma.

  5. Seems like the Baptists really stuck it, to the Islamists! They sold the building to them, and now the Selma Islamic Center is on the hook for $80,000. #CapitalismWorks

    • YAY! Let’s celebrate someone most likely taking advantage of the other’s ignorance for monetary gain. IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

  6. So very see history destroyed. I’ve heard they are building another Muslim Worship Center.

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