KENLY – The State Highway Patrol is investigating a deadly head on collision Monday morning on US Highway 301 south of Kenly. Around 8:30am, a Wilson County state trooper attempted to stop a woman driving a black Dodge Charger for speeding over 100 miles per hour. The driver refused to pull over.

The chase entered Johnston County and while traveling at a high rate of speed on Highway 301 South near Truck Stop Road, the suspect crossed the centerline and slammed head on into a northbound white Ford F-150 pickup.

Three people were in the pickup. The driver was transported to WakeMed with serious injuries. Both passengers in the pickup died at the scene.

The driver of the Dodge Charger was transported to the hospital with serious injuries.

The names of those involved has not been released.

Highway 301 is expected to be closed for several hours while the fatal accident is investigated. The Highway Patrol’s Accident Reconstruction Team responded to assist with the investigation.
The troopers should have handcuffed the fleeing driver to the steering wheel and left her for the buzzards. Really just so tired of this.
I hope she is charged with murder and thrown in jail for life.
Why flee? That is a question I have asked so many times. If you want to run from the law then instead of putting innocent people in jeopardy just drive your vehicle into the first tree or light pole you see, Don’t endanger the lives of innocent people. For those of you that want to blame the police that is ridiculous. Let me put it like this. Car was seen & clocked per WRAL @112 miles per hour in a 55 zone. What if there was a school bus there stopped to pick up a child? That child is crossing the street & that driver cannot stop. Hit’s the child. Who do you blame then? The bus driver for doing their job. You can’t blame the police. The only person responsible is the Idiot that is driving the car. She chose to get behind the wheel & drive with total disregard for every person that was driving on the same road as her at the time. Evidently she had no respect for her own life & especially the Innocent people around her. I don’t care what she had going on in her life there is absolutely no excuse for such reckless behavior. As for the 3 innocent people in the truck my prayers go out to your families.
I wouldn’t go as far as to blame the troopers for the end result..but I would like to see troopers end a chase if it’s just for speeding and just get the tag. I know they didn’t actually cause the wreck but I would think that the trooper has the level head in that situation versus the idiot doing 100 and not stopping for a simple ticket or whatever would have come from just stopping. Kinda tough to really say though..I mean she could have lost control without the troopers initiated and still hit someone. Either way it’s SAD!
…and when a trooper/leo stops pursuing and a high speed or reckless driver and they kill someone anyway, folks will still be whining
True that
Put your self in my seat (mother of Mr.Atkinson three children)and in the other families seat. There’s no whinny but tears of grief.
My nephew is gone FOREVER
I’m so sorry for your loss. I pray your family receives justice though I know it will not help the pain and grief.
My job puts me on the road for many hours Monday through Friday and some weekends. I have seen a increase in speeding at high rates of speed and reckless driving like I have never seen before in my entire 48 years over the last 3 years and far worse this year. Its only going to get worse from here. People are completely selfish and don’t care about each other anymore. The ones that do are the ones that pay the price.
I soon noticed after moving to this area that red lights are treated more like suggestions than rules. I now look both ways twice before proceeding through an intersection when the light turns green. I see at least one driver a week blow clear through red lights.
mannn tht the b*tch needs to suffer like this family’s doin ! Fly High Thad -&- Marvin , yall deff gonna be missed !
So sorry for your loss.
I’ve been in North Carolina for almost 3 years. I love being here but I just cannot understand why everyone is in such a hurry. They fly all over the road with no respect for anyone around them. It’s all about ME! Don’t dim their lights at night and hardly ever give a signal when turning. I guess some cars don’t have those features. It’s very scary out there

not to mention people are dying everyday because of drivers that just don’t care. You totally just made this post all about you.
Prayers for comfort to these families who lost their loved ones due to a senseless act.
Senseless act
Good times playing spades with Marvin RIP. Family man
RIP Marvin. I was just with Marvin on Friday!
RIP Marvin! We just hung out last Friday!
RIP Marvin. We were hanging out last Friday!
Marvin will be truly missed. He always had me laughing when we had family events and get togethers. So many good times and funny stories to tell. I never ever saw this man mad. Continue to pray for Shannon and their kids.
Thad will definitely be missing.r.i.p gone to soon
I’m the ex-wife of Mr. Atkinson. Our three children are the ones left behind for ever. There will be no more forever! I am helping them to understand this tragedy but I don’t understand it myself. I do think chasing the fleeing car from one county into another county was dangerous and reckless. I had to help prepare them to see him for the last time. I didn’t see any of the law enforcement around when I needed help in the funeral home or at my home. I am not placing all the blame on them but the actions of that driver and the trooper helped to set the stage for disaster. We can’t go back in time and redo any of it, but I hope this tragedy helps to make changes for safer procedures in the near future.
Well said. You are absolutely right. I back you 100%. Love you little cousin.