Eagle Scout Joshua Edward Williford was presented with the Eagle Scout Good Citizenship Award by the Johnston County Marine Corps League during a ceremony held Sunday at Oakland Presbyterian Church on Cleveland Road near Clayton.
Josh earned all his Cub Scout Ranks including heavy shoulder award, and Arrow of Light before Crossing over to Troop 33.
Josh is active as a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow, the Honor Society of the Boy Scouts and currently holds the position of camp promotions, unit election committee chairman he also serves on the Lodge executive committee.
Josh is a member of Oakland Presbyterian Church and is an active member of the Youth Program leadership team of Arise, he also serves as a member of the church choir.
Josh is a sophomore at Cleveland High School and is a member of the Rams Cross Country team, track team, and The Brain Games Team.
Josh plans to attend Appalachian State for undergraduate studies and then go on to attend UNC Law School.
He is the son of Troop 33 Scoutmaster Ed Williford and Deborah Williford of Clayton.