FOUR OAKS – The Four Oaks Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Ogi Designs is celebrating Officer Aubrey Banks as the first recipient of the First Responders Rock program. The Four Oaks Chamber of Commerce strives to recognize that Four Oaks first responders are a vital part of keeping our community safe. The Four Oaks Chamber recognized Aubrey Banks as a first responder who goes above and beyond for our community.
The Four Oaks Police Department shared as part of their nomination that Officer Banks motivates and inspires others by always trying to help each of us no matter how busy she may be with her own work. Officer Banks has had several different positions within the Department but always makes time to talk with people in the community and goes above and beyond helping our Four Oaks community. She currently holds title of Detective partly because of helping others and getting involved with our community. Officer Banks is always trying to help others and loves to take time with the children in our community.

Officer Banks received a custom designed and carved plaque in her honor from Ogi Designs, custom designed cookies from Fairytale Sweets and a chamber tote bag which held a Four Oaks T-shirt from Sloan Communications and a Four Oaks blanket.
The Four Oaks Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Ogi Designs to present First Responders Rock, a quarterly recognition for Four Oaks First Responders.
The Chamber said First Responders are an imperative part of our community. Not only in keeping our community and citizens safe but they also are stellar in aiding in the development of children into future community leaders. The Four Oaks Chamber of Commerce recognize First Responders who motivate and inspire our citizens thru their commitment to our community.
Awesome. Congratulations and thank you for all that you do in every aspect of your life.
M Stephenson