SMITHFIELD – On Monday, a Johnston County Jury found Jonathan David Young of Benson guilty of multiple counts of rape, sex offense, and taking indecent liberties with children. The charges involved three separate children and spanned from 2003 to 2014.
Prosecutors said much of the child sexual abuse occurred at the Firstborn Baptist Church near Benson. Young served as a Sunday School teacher at the church for several years.

During the two-week trial, the jury heard from two additional witnesses who testified they were sexually abused by Young when they were young children.
Superior Court Judge George Collins presided over the trial. After the guilty verdicts, Judge Collins sentenced the 38 year-old defendant to serve a minimum of 87 years to a maximum of 109 years in prison.
“The Johnston County District Attorney’s Office is pleased with the verdicts and the sentence imposed. Our hearts go out to the brave survivors who had the courage to disclose and testify in this case,” said Paul Jackson, Assistant District Attorney. “Everyone in our community owes them a debt of gratitude. Their courage in the face of such harsh judgment and scrutiny was amazing and an example of true heroism.”
“We thank lead investigator Lt. Jamie Snipes and the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office for their hard work in this very complicated and difficult case,” Mr. Jackson said.
“Thankfully this sexual predator will never again be able to harm another child. The Johnston County District Attorney’s Office will continue to aggressively pursue and bring to justice those who prey upon the children in our community,” Mr. Jackson stated.
Maybe if so call Christians stopped worrying about other people’s babies, and started worrying about their own (7y/o) this wouldn’t happen. It is disgusting that a church knew about these allegations and allowed this to happen.
Maybe you should keep your Christianity comments to yourself you’re making yourself look stupid …“John”
Sorry the truth hurts Justin. But I call them as I see them. If so called Christians would keep their noses out of other people’s beliefs this would be a better world. Remember Freedom of Religion means all Religions not just Imperial Autocratic Dictator Christians.
Nobody is preventing you from practicing the religion of choice except if your religion requires you to procure an abortion in a state where it is illegal. Your hatred of Christianity and Christians blinds you to the idiocy of your own statements.
Release the hate. It isn’t good for you.
Sorry Dan but there are religions that abortion is encouraged to save the life of the mother. Imperialistic Christian religions and politicians are forcing their religious beliefs on the religious beliefs of others, which is unconstitutional again there’s no freedom of religion without freedom from religion.
Justice done!!
Didn’t go far enough
Thank God this sicko is off the streets. Nothing worse than fake “Christians” hiding in the church. Now to sentence anyone else who was involved by knowing about his acts and hiding it. This “church” is a stain on our community.
I don’t know how this could have went on for so long unnoticed
IMHO this church is nothing but a cult. The “rules” they put on their members are ridiculous and harmful.
I have known this guy since he was a little boy. He came from a good family. He could’ve had any woman he wanted but he had to prey on kids. That’s so disgusting! He sang in the choir at several of my family members funerals. If I would’ve known that he wouldn’t have been allowed there! Now Johnathan, you done the crime and now you have to do your time. Good luck son, you’ll need it! Now they need to investigate the church and see how much more of this has gone on there!!!