Former Town Hall Building For Sale

Clayton-Old-Town-Hall-InsideIf the price is right, you could own a former town hall building in Johnston County.  This week, the Town of Clayton declared their former town hall building at 231 E. Second Street as surplus property.  The request was made by Town Manager Steve Biggs.

Biggs said he has been approached by several people interested in the site, known as the Annex Building.  By declaring the building as surplus it will not obligate the town to sale the property, however, it would allow anyone interesting in buying it the opportunity to inspect the building and make an offer.

In January 2005, Clayton officials looked at the cost of renovating the facility including turning a portion of the building into a district courtroom. The cost estimate at the time was $2.5 to 2.7 million. In today’s dollars that would be between $3 and $3.3 million

In May 2012, the council revisited the Annex Building as the last tenant, the NC Probation and Parole Office, moved across the street to the police department.

According to tax records, the building is 7,644 square feet and, including the land, has a present tax value of $842,070.