Four Oaks police officers received two surprises this week.
During Monday night’s town council meeting, Four Oaks Area Ministries recognized the police department. Organization President Gaylord Hiler and Vice President Evangelist Hattie Jones Lofton thanked the officers for protecting the community and for their faithful service. They received a Certification of Recognition from the group along with free meal vouchers at the Ole Time Grill.
Afterwards, the Four Oaks Men’s Outreach thanked the officers for a job well done. Councilman Chris Haley, who is a member of the outreach, praised the department and the officers. Outreach members presented the officers with gift certificates for a free meal at Cracker Barrel.

After the two presentations, Mayor Linwood Parker said Four Oaks was a good place for families to raise their children. He said the police department had a great working relationship with the community.
“We appreciate the community support,” Police Chief Stephen Anderson told WTSB news. ” That is one of the great things we have in our town. They can talk with us about anything they need to.”