Groups Gather To Prepare For Emergencies

Core-PictureJohnston County Emergency Services hosted a workshop on April 7th on the development of the Community Organizations Resilient to Emergencies (CORE). The goal of the organizational meeting was to bring community partners such as churches, community groups, local governments, and business partners together with a focus on helping the Johnston County community during and after emergencies.

CORE is a concept based on a federal initiative, that focuses on what a whole community can do to address the needs of those residing in and visiting Johnston County.

During the initial workshop, attendees heard from Rev. Lee Colbert, pastor at First Baptist Church in Smithfield and Kevin Madsen, Johnston County Emergency Management Coordinator.

CORE would like to extend the opportunity for interested groups and citizens to attend the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 2nd at 1:00 PM at the Smithfield Fire Department, located at 111 South Fourth Street in Smithfield. For more information email