Hensley and Kay Scott of Clayton were recently recognized as Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International. This significant donation of $10,000 will go towards supporting Rotary’s six areas of focus: promoting peace; fighting disease; providing clean water; saving mothers and children; supporting education; and growing local economies.
“The great friendships that I have made,” is why Hensley says he likes being a Rotary member. Hensley is past president of the Clayton Rotary Club. He was part of the leadership team that turned around the club to make it a vibrant club with over 75 members and the winner of the 2015 Best Rotary Club in the District. When asked about Rotary, Hensley said, “I get it. I really appreciate what Rotary does locally and internationally. I will remain in Rotary for the rest of my life.”
The Scott’s are known for establishing Clayton Residential Rentals in 1999 and developing it to over 400 residential accounts and hiring seven employees. Last year, they sold the business to Long & Foster Property Management.
Fifty years ago, Hensley was a resident of Rotary House at the Boys and Girls Home of North Carolina, at Lake Waccamaw. He was one of the first group of boys in the house that has been funded by the Rotary Clubs in the state for the last half century. The support and guidance provided by the Boys and Girls Home provided Hensley with the solid footing he credits for his success as a family and business man. At the home, Hensley now serves as the Rotary representative for the District.
Rotary International, which was formed in 1905, is the largest and oldest service organization with over 1.2 million members. November is when they recognize The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of the organization that annually supports thousands of community betterment projects around the globe.
The Clayton Rotary Club was formed in 1925 and this year is celebrating its 90th Anniversary. Earlier this year the club was recognized as the Best Club in District 7710 that includes 46 clubs in the Raleigh area.