JCPS ADA Access Improvements

SMITHFIELD – ADA improvements will be made at three Johnston County high schools. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access improvements will be made to the exteriors of South Johnston, Clayton, and West Johnston High Schools following a $785,000 bid awarded by the Johnston County Public School Board.

Once completed, all public high school campuses in Johnston County will have undergone exterior ADA access updates.


  1. Someone probably needs to explain why dollars were invested in the exterior of Clayton HS. It is my understanding that the school will be torn down and rebuilt once Wilson’s Mills HS is completed in Spring 2025. Did JCPS just take a quarter-million dollars and invest in a scheduled-to-be-demolished building? Sounds about right.

    • Easy to explain, really… federal law requires that all students be able to enter and make use of the building.

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