Special Meeting Set For January 21st
SMITHFIELD – On behalf of the Johnston County Board of Education, Chairperson Lyn Andrews released the following statement regarding the Ronald Johnson trial:
“The criminal trial of Ronald Johnson, a Board of Education member, has now concluded. A jury has found Mr. Johnson guilty on all counts including felony extortion, felony obstruction of justice, and two counts of willful failure to discharge duties of his office. This ordeal has taken a tremendous amount of resources over the past three years and our thoughts are with the many victims impacted by his actions.”
“The Board appreciates the dedication of many individuals who worked to bring closure for the Board of Education, Johnston County Public Schools staff and students, and the citizens of Johnston County. With this trial behind us, the Board of Education will work with legal counsel to begin the process of filling the vacancy on the Board of Education.”
The Johnston County Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 21st 8:00am to begin the process of filling Johnson’s vacant seat.
Only one choice is the right choice, Jeff Sullivan. The man who would have won if the trial of RJ didn’t drag on for so long.
Ummmm, the trial lasted a week.
By drag on this investigation was done in 2023.
The trial lasted a week.
Maybe now we can learn to vote for candidates who have character and morals, not party only. I mean really, voted back in office 2 men in Johnston county, one sex offender, and a black mailer. And they won our county’s support. And our county voted for a president who was convicted of sexual assault. Yet we say we want the best for our children.. I’m thankful parts of our constitution are holding up, standing strong for rights of We the People. God bless America. Such Jones USA Retired
Just shoes you how bad dementia Joe and Harris were.
MAGA showing that educational prowess!
Thank you for sharing Chairman Andrews’ statement.
I’m sure she meant the many victims impacted by the actions of this school board with a few examples being archived stories on JoCoReport…
August 8, 2022: Johnston Co. School Board Members And CFO Discussed Hiding Millions Of Dollars From Commissioners
August 18, 2021
$180,000 Consulting Contract With Former School Superintendent Considered
February 5, 2021:
School Board Soap Opera Continues
Also worth noting: Adamant on keeping schools closed during the pandemic until they received notices of intent to file claims against their individual surety bonds.
“discussed”. Little different than actually doing it. BTW, did you alert the authorities and what did they say. Are you saying Susan Doyle, Sheriff Bizzell and other law enforcement ignored this?
Do you have evidence of any crimes that you constantly accuse the BOE of committing.
Or are you just being your typical blow hard self trying to get attention.
Mr. Johnson did at least show to Johnston County Taxpayers How Dishonest the Johnston County School Board is when that tape recording at the School Board meeting a Board member saying “We need to Hide several $$Thousands of monies we have on hand, so the County Commissioners will give us More $$ money.
He sure did . Now he will go to jail for exposing them . Ronald Johnson is a good person.No one is perfect but others need to be tried for all the secrets and hiding money .
So, what you are saying is that the Smithfield police,DA and State and Federal law enforcement ignored this supposed crime? Oh, and the Sheriff.
Is that what you are saying.
Just another position the voters don’t get a say in.
You’re joking, right? The voters ELECTED this bozo…..TWICE! It’s time for an IQ test at the polls.
I’m referring to the person the board will now appoint not who the voters elected. I am not a RonJon supporter but I also don’t think the board should be appointing people to carry out his full term. I feel there should be a special election for his seat and Braswell’s.
Then in the future the voters should elect a candidate with better character who will not commit crimes and become disqualified from office. This will ensure they keep their say. Anyone surprised by this man’s character has not been paying attention. The writing has been on the wall for years, long before his last election.
The School Board are the ones that are the criminals!!! You are just like high school- if others do not believe the way you want ,then we are out of the “click”.
You got that right . He is going to have to serve time because he exposed them for being dishonest. They wanted him out because he didn’t want no part of it . They are the criminals and need to be on trial .
What crimes are you speaking of?
Any proof?
Have you let the police know or are they all Republicans as well and just ignore crime.
Did the BOE make him have 3 affairs at the same time and extort and political candidate.
Did the BOE instruct one of his gf’s to accuse another individual of sexual harassment?
Please explain.
Always remember most of these Rino’s voted with Comrad Kay Carrol to keep your kids in masks for 2yrs with zero science to back it up. They’ll bow down and cave again if given the chance.
And the soap opera of the JoCo School board continues. Ron Jon may be bad but the rest of them are just as bad. Our schools are getting worse every year and I bet if most parents could do it they would rather home school than to send their kids to public schools in this county. God knows I would.
I do and it was the best decision ever! Never look back. Thankful I don’t have to deal with the school board directly anymore but hate how they waste our money.
If anyone on that terrible schoolboard should be in jail it’s her
Fake News Ron Jon Forever!
The most common sense thing to do is wipe the entire school board out & start fresh!!! You know like when a computer freezes and you have to reboot?!?! The JCSB needs a hard reset!!!!
I can get on board with this!
They will politically stack the BOE to “stick it’ to the JCPS students, parents, teachers, and workers by continual petty increases in student services, pay & benefits. I’ve witnessed in 6 years, a annual average of 17 faculty or staff leaving JCPS for better pay and benefits in surrounding Charter schools or County School districts.
Just the good ole boys.
Reading the comments and shaking my head. Then I remember that folks in Johnston County elected this nimrod multiple times. I remember they elected him EVEN AFTER he had these charges filed against him. Then I remember that over 50,000 Johnston County folks voted for a child molester.
The problem isn’t these horrible people who should never have been elected.
The problem is the ridiculously idiotic and stupid people of this county who consistently vote for this kind of trash just because they’ve got the -R by their name.
You guys are what’s wrong in this county. All of you.
@BW: Finally, someone who understands. #VoteOutIncumbents
*Country, had to fix your spelling.
GOP and DNC are both lying to us. Libertarian is the only way.
Wasn’t it the school board that tired to cover up all of Ronald Johnson’s wrong. The whole board needs to be imprisoned with him. They operate the sessions like a mom and pop store. Everyone of them have no reality to actual school today… We need active parents with students in Johnston schools on the board not someone’s grandfather or grandmother….
I’m not sure about them covering for Ronald initially but would not be surprised at all. We all know politics is basically akin to joining the mafia except their form of punishment is much different. They will simply ruin your reputation and life showing no mercy.
Do a little research before you make idiotic statements. Look forward to you running for the BOE.
Lol surprise! Surprise! This happens everywhere.