Jimmy Abdalla of South Johnston High School has been named the 2015 Johnston County Schools Adult Volunteer of the Year. He was recognized at the annual PTA/PTO Council meeting held April 23rd at Smithfield-Selma High School.

Abdalla has served as a volunteer for students and as a volunteer football coach since 2005 at South Johnston High School. He has had two children to graduate from the school but his motivation to serve the school is rooted more deeply in his love for the students and the community.
During the last 10 years; he has provided clothing for athletes who could not afford spirit wear, purchased T-shirts for the football staff and players, transported coaches and provided funds for them to attend clinics, paid for all the players who needed funding to attend football camps, and consistently served as a mentor to athletes without functional families.
He is known widely throughout the school as a motivator and an encourager. Abdalla has lived the role of a Good Samaritan who sees the needs of the less fortunate and who does something about it without expecting anything in return for his service.