Johnston County Commissioner Announces Resignation

Johnston County Commissioner Larry Wood announced Monday night his resignation from the board. Commissioner Wood said he will step down from his elected position in one week.

“I have an announcement to make with sort of mixed emotions. I’d just like to inform the public and this board that as of February 28th I plan on resigning,” Commissioner Wood said at the end of Monday night’s meeting.

“The reason being, my residence is going to change counties. First and foremost I would like to thank the residents of this county. I’d also like to thank staff for all the support and for answering a lot of questions for me.”

“As far as this board, my peers, I’d like to thank you all for the many memories, the many ways we’ve worked together to accomplish important stuff in this county and it quiet certainly has been my privilege. And I just say thank you.”

Several commissioners reacted to the surprise announcement.

“We thank you for your service. We’re gonna miss you but we thank you for your service,” Chairman Butch Lawter stated.

Commissioner Ted Godwin said, “I must say his heart has been in the right place. He’s had interest in Johnston County, the citizens, and particularly the school system, and I think he’s been a very good commissioner. I’ve enjoyed serving with him.”

Commissioner Tony Braswell stated, “I’m going to miss him.”

Commissioner Patrick Harris said, “It has really been an honor to serve with you. Your passion and zealousness for the issues, and you’re willingness to put in the effort to try and make the right decisions and do the right things for the people, is inspiring and we wish you the best. We will miss you.”

Commissioner Wood represents District 4. He was first elected in December 2016. His current term will expire in 2024. The board of commissioners has not announced how they will go about filling the unexpired term.

On October 25, 2021, former Commission Chairman Chad Stewart announced his resignation from the board. Richard “Dickie” Braswell was sworn in December 1, 2021 as his replacement.


      • I would love to but in this season of my life it is not the right time. I would not be able to do the community justice and give the job the time it requires due to homeschooling 2 kids, HOA president, and volunteer responsibilities. If I could I totally would!

    • I do give Mr Wood credit for resigning before moving instead of earning a paycheck on the backs of the taxpayers when he’s not eligible, unlike the BOE member.

      What ever happened to that investigation?

  1. He was one of the better ones. Wonder why they don’t know what they are going to do with the empty seat. They seemed to have a plan when Chad stepped down. Isn’t there a procedure?

  2. Folks, take a look at what Larry Woods interests was back when he frist ran for his commissioner seat. In his own words he was more interested in the school board. I think Larry Wood along with Chad Stewart were both RINO Democrats and that includes WRAL Tony Braswell in that group too. They all bent over backwards to dump trucks loads of millions of Tax Payers dollars that went missing into the school board bank account and never wanted any questions asked?

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