JOHNSTON COUNTY – The 2025 Johnston County reappraisal process is currently underway. North Carolina General Statute 105-286 requires all counties to reappraise property at least once every eight years. The purpose of the reappraisal is to ensure property values accurately reflect market value and equitably spread the property tax burden among all property owners.
The last Johnston County reappraisal was conducted in 2019 and all real property tax values reflect the market values as of January 1, 2019. When complete, property values will reflect the January 1, 2025 market value.
Beginning this week, Pearson’s Appraisal Service, Inc. will begin field work that will continue through 2024. The revaluation vendor will be traveling around Johnston County in marked cars with signs that display, “Johnston County Revaluation Contractor.” These cars will travel the entire County taking photographs of structures, which will help validate tax department information. Vendor staff will not be entering or requesting to enter any residents’ homes or structures and will provide identification upon request.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding the reappraisal process or vendor vehicles, please call the Johnston County Tax Administration Office at 919-989-5130. For more information visit the Tax Administration Office website.
How to raise taxes without “raising taxes”.
This is the one most single big mistake that so-called conservative politicians on our board of commissioners have ever made. Johnston County, Wake County both are in the same pool as Mecklenburg County and that is our property are in and has been in a rising market and will stay that way for decades. Tax payers ask your so-called conservative commissioners why are they blindly following what Wake County and Durham County are doing by doing reevaluation every four years? The answer is simple, this is how liberal progressive the likes of Washington DC, New York, Seattle and California explodes government growth. The last reevaluation of Johnston County brought in more extra tax dollars and presented a problem that big government loves, how are we going to spend these extra dollars? When the Johnston County Tax Office comes around and declares your now $150,000.00 home is a $200,000.00 home on paper now, that is a TAX INCREASE by an unelected Johnston County Administration. Oh but Johnston County Voters this is being done by a outside contractor probably from the other side of the state? OH PLEASE DON,T blame the Tax Office or the Johnston County Commissioner’s they only have handed our county over to the liberal progressives that are experts at growing government?
Joco property taxes going through the roof all the while the economy in going into the toilet. Perfect storm.
Here is your personal property tax hike folks, they did this inorder to capsure the extra hike in home values four years earlier which in return is writing a bigger check at the local tax office. How soon will Tony “WRAL” Braswell come out and propose a tax rate decrease and boast he is for cutting taxes when in reality even if the commissioners does this you will still be writing a bigger tax check to your local tax office. They truly feel you tax payers are fools, they have the same mindset of you tax payers be ignorant as the school board does.
Hey the intelligent people of JoCo voted for these IDOITS
Cue all the people who are upset that their property is now worth more than it was last year in…. 3…. 2….1….
I knew there was going to be a loop hole one day, someday, and somehow…it can be a good thing, however employers will need to look into a serious cost of living raise in the private sector.
Here we go first they cover every square inch of available land with tacky housing developments now they are going to charge us more for the privilege of increasingly worse traffic.
I’m still trying to figure out how a property owner does not understand that the value of the property will increase over time. How can a person that buys a home not understand this and think that the cost of the taxes on the property will rise as time goes on? The good thing is at least we have people who try to make adjustments so that it doesn’t hurt as bad on the wallet as it could.
“Wah, wah, wah… My property is worth too much money now!” — Said nobody EVER! #propertyIsAnInvestment #IncreasedValueIsGood
In Johnston county you are Born Free and Taxed to Death .
To be fair, when your home value doubles in 2 years, you can’t complain. I would like to, but I won’t. I’ll take the appreciation in value and my lumps to go with it.
Jocotaxpayer, not sure where the economy is in the toilet around here. Raleigh the #1 place to move, Johnston County the fastest growing county (out of 100) in the state.
With influx of people there is always increased infrastructure costs. I think all these new construction homes should carry hefty impact fees, to keep property tax increases in check for those of us born here or here for 3+ decades.
@Jean: Nope. The NC legislature (thanks Tim Moore & Phil Berger) are in the pocket of the developers and have repeatedly passed legislation that PROHIBITS towns charging impact fees. #VoteOutIncumbents
I just want our 5 progressive school board members to get the backbone like Wake County has done and vote in the $1725.00 monthly payments for taking our own kids to school that has been promised to us needy parents of students. They will make big off the record promises to get our Democrats Votes but are slow to deliver? Yea I understand we got our every four years property revaluation to fund our social justice programs but approving the checks of $1725.00 to needy families for transportation is for some reason a slower process? Johnston County School Board Members our School Board neighbors in Wake County got it done, that’s means you progressive board members can do it too!!! We want ours too JOCO!!!