SMITHFIELD – A former Johnston County deputy sheriff was found not guilty Thursday afternoon on all criminal charges filed against him following a fatal traffic accident.
Following a four-day jury trial this week, former deputy Quinton Rhue was found not guilty of misdemeanor death by motor vehicle, unsafe passing, and speeding.
On January 9, 2021, Deputy Rhue was traveling on US 301 near Micro responding to a call, when he collided with a pickup truck driven by 63 year-old Shirley Ann James of Kenly. James died in the collision.
Evidence indicated the marked patrol car driven by Rhue, prior to the accident, was traveling in excess of 80 miles an hour in a 55 mile an hour zone and that the patrol vehicle passed the pickup truck in a no passing zone on US 301 near Watson Road.

Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Thomas Lock informed the jury that the traffic limitations set forth in state laws do not apply to law enforcement officers operating law enforcement vehicles with due regard for safety when responding to an emergency dispatch in the course of official duties. He further told the jury that this exemption does not permit such officers to operate their vehicles with a reckless disregard of the safety of others.
Judge Lock charged the jury that if they unanimously found from the evidence that the deputy, at the time of the alleged offense, was a law enforcement officer operating a law enforcement vehicle with due regard for safety and not with a reckless disregard of the safety of others and was responding to an emergency dispatch in the course of his official duties, it would be the duty of the jury to return verdicts of not guilty.
Defense attorney Jack O’Hale said, “This was a difficult case arising from the tragic, unintentional and accidental death of the deceased. The jury carefully reviewed the evidence and the law and returned unanimous verdicts of not guilty to all three charged offenses.”

In July 2021, Johnston County paid the Estate of Shirley James $1.25 million to settle a wrongful death claim.
Rhue is no longer employed by the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office.
Well our brave Progressive George Soros DA office tried their best to lock up more Republicans but this deep red jury wasn’t going to have it? At least we have a Progressive Defund The Police DA office that has a backbone like Durham County does? So what if the charges should had never been filed, they tried!!!
You’re kidding right. I was law enforcement for over 30 years. He should have been found guilty. Procedure and laws are in place for a reason. When those entrusted to enforce those laws don’t abide by them, then we have two sets of rules. Bad precedent. Not too mention, we are on the hook paying that 1.25m to the poor family. That family didn’t win. The citizens didn’t win. Heck even the former deputy didn’t win.
What procedure, and what laws did he not follow? In your 30 years did you not increase your speed in response to a call? I can say with complete confidence that you indeed did. He sounded his siren and turned on his lights. The deceased stopped in the middle of the street with no turn signal, no glasses, and no hearing aid, all of which she was required to use. He attempted to pass her just as he ad all the other cars that pulled over for him to pass (on both sides of the road mind you). Did the Deceased think they pulled over to yield to the turn she was making with no turn signal?????? As for the tax money, we can only hope the family of the deceased made good use of our taxes. They shouldn’t have been awarded anything until actual fault was found with what this officer did.
Um excuse me no glasses (she wore contacts), she had her turning signal on and was in the middle of the turn, and she did not wear a hearing aid. Please get your FACTS straight before you comment on what my AUNT was required to wear!
No one believes that you were in law enforcement 30 years and believes that this young man deserved anything other than a not guilty verdict. I can with complete confidence say that if you ever served you did indeed increase your speed in response to a call. The Deputy used his lights and his siren to signal to drivers that he was in route to an emergency. The driver stopped in the middle of the road, and turned without the use of her turn signal, glasses, or hearing aid, all of which she was required to use. The Deputy attempted to pass her just as he had all of the other vehicles that pulled over to yield to his lights and siren (vehicles pulled over on both sides of the road btw). Did the driver think that the cars pulled over to allow for her turn even without the use of a turn signal? As for our tax money, all we can do is hope the family made good use of it, considering they were paid a week later without the deputy being found guilty of any wrong doing.
1. Have you ever heard of CONTACTS? They are this wonderful invention that people wear in their eyes instead of glasses!
2. The victim was NOT required to wear hearing aids. Don’t know where you got that from.
3. She was in the middle of the turn when he hit her going over 100 mph.
4. How was the family paid a week later? The accident happened in January and the family received the money in July.
Please get your FACTS straight before you state something about some one you do not know!
Is that you Kamala?
Pee Wee Herman…is that you?
I guess when you are law enforcement it is ok to hit someone going over 100 mph in a 55 mph zone and kill them, pass multiple vehicles in a no pass zone and not get in trouble? I always thought the job of law enforcement was to PROTECT the innocent.
As far as that 1.25 million, I can assure you that the family did NOT get all of that. And it da*n sure does not make up for the loss of a family member!
I guess there’s no need to wear your hearing aid, glasses, and yield to the lights and sirens of the police. The multiple vehicles he passed before her testified on his behalf.
As far as the money not making up for the loss of a family member, two people died that day. The victim the officer was attempting to save actually died lying in the hospital room next to the officer. His family received 0 dollars. He could have been saved had the officer reached him in time.
My prayer for you is that all police and emergency services drive 5 miles below or at the posted speed limit, stopping at every yellow light and yielding the right o way of every vehicle in route to your home and the homes of your family members when you all have emergencies.
You are talking about the suicide victim correct? Hmmm well funny you should mention that. That call was responded by OTHER officers and Deputy Rhue was told not to respond. So how would he have “saved” that life when he was at least 20 mins away from that call?
Other vehicles testified on his behalf? There was ONE witness called that is all! I know for a fact that OTHER witnesses were not called to testify nor were they interviewed.
Oh just so there is NO misunderstanding, AGAIN, she wore Contacts, she did NOT need a hearing aid.
How can one yield to sirens when they are in the middle of a turn?
Bridget, let me ask you this….where you at the accident? Did you see it happen? Or do you just know QR?
Did you personally know MY AUNT to know she had restrictions on her license? Because I know for a fact they she wore CONTACTS and did NOT need hearing aids.
The other guy died the NEXT day at the hospital in a room right beside said Deputy. He was alive and in need of assistance when the officer was attempting to get to him.
The Deputy, who was terribly hurt physically, had to deal with the emotional pain that came with your aunt’s death all while praying that at least the other guy would live, knowing they were side by side in the hospital. Only to be informed THE NEXT DAY when he actually died that his prayers were in vain.
Yes his wounds were self inflicted but his life is just as valuable as all of ours and he deserved immediate assistance. The Deputy was attempting to provide this assistance. You sound pretty dismissive of his life. He has a family that loves him just as much as you love your aunt.
Did you hear the testimony of the other officer who did arrive on the scene say that he got up to speeds of about 95 mph himself in route to the scene?
Again, did your aunt really think that cars pulled over to allow her to make her turn?
Did you truly know your aunt? Were you a passenger in her car? Did you put her contacts in for her? Did you know that if she was in the middle of her turn she did so after she came to a full stop letting the officer know that she was not moving before beginning her turn without ever signaling.
There were witnesses who testified. This is why the hearing lasted 4 days.
Blue Lives Matter, Teacher lives matter. People like you are the reason no one is going to want to serve their communities in these positions. Could you imagine the precedence that would be set if officers were not allowed to speed when the need for them to speed arises? We can’t continue to persecute the people who truly take care of our communities. They work too hard, sacrifice too much and for too little pay already. Soon no one will volunteer for these positions.
To those who have NO “clue” as to what happened.. keep scrolling! A SBI Forensic Detailed Diagnostics Computer Scan of his Patrol Cars Computer System Determined that he was traveling at 105+ mph, with Zero Breaking before the Direct impact of the truck. She was crumbled!! A direct hit to the driver’s door. Witnesses have stated that he did not use his siren or lights on during his pursuit (Which his 911 Call logs, show that his dispatch call had ended, prior to the collision). Witnesses DID NOT TESTIFY AT THIS JURY TRIAL, but were present during the “Family Settlement” Now, why would the Sheriff’s Department make a Settlement, if the Officer wasn’t Guilty? Why was the DA told by the Defense Attorney to not use the word “Victim” in front of the Jury? Shirley was a healthy woman. The BS about her needing glasses, hearing aids etc.. like wth? YOU DON’T KNOW THAT!! He was traveling way to fast and the Settlement was a Quick fix… Despite the other things that the Defense “tried” to use. It’s all Public Record. Go Read the crap. FYI: The same Sheriff was pulled in Wilson County for high speeding, 2 weeks after he killed Shirley- Yes, The Victim Mr. O’Hale!! If you don’t know the facts, weren’t present at the hearing- You do not Know the truth.. But QR does.
You do not know the truth and you weren’t the only person in the court, if you even attended. Repeat lies doesn’t make it truth. Two weeks after the accident the Deputy was in a cast up to his waist. Facts are based on evidence and testimony. As I stated before the deputy was found not guilty on ALL Counts!!!!! You can make up whatever you want, the Judge and Jury of his peers heard the facts and judged him accordingly. Not Guilty of everything you acuse him of!!!!!!
At least he was in a cast! My aunt was NOT alive. So yeah we (as the family) are pissed. You are spreading LIES regarding my aunt. So yeah I am going to stick up for her. You keep talking about glasses and her not having them on. She wear contacts!
She has never had to have hearing aids so you need to stop with that bs.
The ONLY two people that can actually tell us what happened is QR and my aunt. Since my aunt cannot tell us her side, I guess everyone has to believe what QR says huh?
But it is crazy how many law enforcement officers I know that say he was in the wrong. And he should NEVER have been going that fast to start off with. But we are the ones telling lies huh? Oh btw my MOM was in the courtroom. So I do know what I am talking about.
Your mom was ushered out of the court more than once. Theatrics. She must have been paid well for that performance…oh but she was. She must have come up with her lies in the bathroom.
What does QR mean?
Bridget since you don’t know what you are talking about….QR is for Quinton Rhue.
Silly Rabbit, why would you put that poor man’s whole name out there alongside all of those lies and false accusations. I pray he sues you and your entire family for slander and defamation. He was found not guilty and so you can not put lies out like that without being liable for a suit. I pray he reads this. If anyone knows him personally, please ask him to read and forward to his lawyer.
This comment just clarified that you don’t know him. Just the news article. There’s no slander or defamation lawsuit, lol. It’s all Public Record. I’m sure he doesn’t want to open up another can of worms.
Oh but the funny thing is…I’m pretty sure Ms Bridget here is kin to the former sheriff! But it’s all good because I know what the police reports and other witnesses said happened. She evidently don’t. And we (the family) have not tried to hide who we are. The ONLY reason I use Damn a Bear, is that was my Aunt’s favorite saying. So Bridget, since you want Quinton to file charges against me, for the record, my name is Marie Wright Barrs.
I pray he sues the pants off of you Marie Wright Barrs. Defamation and lies on this poor man’s name. He was obviously cleared of everything you say. You are the one spreading lies.
Brothers and Sisters in Blue. Well da*m a bear, BIG BROTHER is watching!
Bridget…You keep saying we are spreading LIES about Quinton. Ok we are just stating facts that are public records. You keep talking about slander and so forth and how you hope we get sued by Quinton. Ok. Well how about this, how about we start talking about YOU getting sued for slander? How does that sound?
Do you have proof that my aunt needed hearing aids? (NO)
Do you have proof that OTHER than glasses, she did not have corrective lenses in at the time of the accident? (Again she wore contacts)
Do YOU have proof of anything else you have stated? Where you at the scene of the accident? And my personal favorite, that my mom was escorted from the court room several times and gave a “theatrical” performance which she was paid for?
So please stop your nonsense. We have plenty of PUBLIC records to back up what we are saying, but you have nothing!
And please stop with the Blue lives matter. As I have previously stated, I (honestly as a family, We) have good personal family friends that are either current or retired law enforcement whom we support 100% along with any other law enforcement. So for you to say we don’t support law enforcement is honestly incorrect. Honestly borderline (your favorite word) SLANDER.
First and foremost…BLUE LIVES MATTER.
Second…Obviously not to you.
Third…I pray this officer sues each and everyone of you for SLANDER AND DEFAMATION.
Fourth…We all doubt that you have read any court records.
Fifth…BC if you did you would know it was discussed in court that the driver had no required glasses, did not signal the turn as required, did not wear a required hearing aid, and did not yield to the lights and sirens of an officer.
Bridget SEND me the name of the doctor who prescribed the hearing aids that she was supposed to have!
Last I checked, CONTACT LENSES are considered corrective lenses. What about that are you NOT understanding? Dang.
I guess the file my mom has from the district attorney, highway patrol and a lawyer of PUBLIC records is all lies huh?
For your information Missy I was NEVER ushered out of the court room. It was my decision to get up and leave when the photos were put on the screen. I don’t know you and am not interested in knowing you but you obviously don’t know what you are talking about. This back and forth bs is not necessary any more he wasn’t charged with any thing, he knows he was in the wrong, he has to deal with it if he has any conscious at all. My sister is DEAD because of this ok, don’t know if you care or not doesn’t really matter to me what you say because you obviously don’t know or care about anyone but you so let it go. One more thing you don’t even know what you are talking about when you made the comment about taxpayers money that’s not even true dork.
Why stoop to name calling? Your family is proving what class they have over and over on this thread. The more you say the more the public will rally behind this cop.
Drive the route where the crash happened. Then form your opinion.
Sam what does that mean? I grew up in that area and know that road very well as I graduated from North Johnston.
But why was the family so quick to ask for money the cop may of been in the wrong but the family asked for money as soon as it happened and got it they were cleaning tears off with 100 dollar bills.
Death/Dying is expensive.
Exactly how quick do you think the Family “asked” for money? You’re saying the family asked as soon as it happened?
You think it happened after an Estate Beneficiary was determined? Do you think that the “Victim” had any Debts, House payments, car payments or future payments? Has that even crossed your mind or just the fact that they are wiping their tears with $100 bills?
Two Joco DA Detectives met with the immediate family and actually suggested that the family hire an Attorney. First, because a Beneficiary and Trust person needed to handle the Probate part. It wasn’t until after the family received the horrific photos of the “Victims” body laying on the side of the road way, the tour of both vehicles at the impound lot, the 911 call log, the Sheriff’s Dispatch log and finally Both Vehicles Computer systems diagnostic showing everything that happened before the collision. Details included speeds, breaking time, distance between breaking etc. How fast the “Victims” car was making a left hand turn, turn signals, prior to the Deputy coming over the hill.
2 Witnesses for the Victim were not present at the hearing. There were multiple affidavits from neighbors and other Witnesss stating that QR did not have on his sirens, which also were not Presented during the hearing.
Back to the whole scenario: The Sheriff’s Department wanted to settle the case before it went to court, not the families choice. Sheriff Bizzell attended the settlement hearing furious that the Sheriff just got pulled in Wilson County (Off Duty) flopped out his badge, running 80+mph in a 55mph zone.. the trooper let him go on a warning. I’m assuming this is when he was officially fired.
The Settlement happened 7 months after the accident. The Victims Oldest Brother and Sister got the Probate money to take care of the Victims estate. No other family members Benefited from this. She had multiple Nieces, nephews that loved her dearly, that can only vision the pictures of her body hanging halfway out of her truck.
Difference between 105+ Mph vs. 80mph- ALOT!! At 105 mph, he was traveling 1 Football field in length in 2 seconds. Count to 2.. 1, 2 Bam! Now, do the 80mph that the Defense Attorney presented to the Jury Count to 8… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 seconds for 2 Football fields. The distance from the top of the hill to the accident was 100 yards.
Do you think Quinton really wanted to hit her? We say no, not intentionally. Did others pull over because they were traveling southbound on 301, yes. Did the victim, who was traveling 15mph in mid left turn have any warning? No. She didn’t.
The DA didn’t present any of this, so just forget it. Nobody won here. Everyone is devastated by this. Just learn from it.
Just so you know- We heard about Quinton before our Aunt. I was in tears, trying to find him. He has ate dinner at my house, he was my number one “Q-Dawg” football player at Princeton. My kids are his friend. I have told Quinton that we are not mad and love him. We have forgiven him!! Please don’t turn this into something it shouldn’t be. It’s over.. let it go! Accidents happen. But to see comments about the family drying their tears with $100 bills is not true, as we haven’t seen a penny. Nobody in the County know what happened except the immediate family, the Sheriff and the Sheriff’s Department.
That last paragraph almost had us thinking that you cared about this young man. But all that you stated above proves you don’t. He had dinner at you house after you say others pulled over for him and continued to slander his name. Why did others pull over?????
Shame on you!!!!!!!!
You are not mad at him, and you love him????? How when you knowingly say those things.
If you cared about him at all, you would leave him alone. You said your self you know he didn’t intentionally harm your family member. Why would you intentionally harm him?
Leave him alone.
Here lies the problem. I didn’t slander his name. I am speaking the truth. It is all in the Court Records, whether they were mentioned in the trial or not. Feel free to run up to the Clerks office and make some copies. AND His full name is listed in the above article.
You can say whatever you choose, it’s freedom of speech.
What you should worry about is the DA filing an Appeal within the next 30 days because you can’t shut up.
Now, we have 2 more witnesses who have spoken in this chat, don’t be surprised if you didn’t stir the pot.
As I said in my previous comment, whether you believe it or not, I have no problem with Quinton. And yes, they’re are quite a few that stopped and witnessed the incident that were not present during trial. Would you like another trial? Keep it up
You don’t know all the facts and you don’t know my feelings.
You are the Ignorance. Don’t you stir the pot. If you believe the that any judge or jury is going to set a precedence that cops can’t speed once called to an emergency then by all means do what you have to. Appeal what you have to.
I can guarantee you that we are not going to allow you to put our livelihoods in jeopardy. That we are not going to be afraid to do what we have been trained to do. That we will not cower to liberal keyboard rangers. That we will show up in force in support of ours. You will not intimidate us, scare us, or defund us into second guessing our judgement when out in the field.
Waist more of our tax payer time and money.
No one knows your feelings but you, but what you are relaying here is that you are on a witch hunt against this young officer, and the rest of our blue forces. Ask yourself what the true reason is?
Its so funny that you put responding to ignorance and then go on to say that the DA is filing an appeal to re try a person found not guilty of a crime. Ignorance at its finest.
So, you get upset with a stranger’s opinion and threatens the stranger with Quinton’s persecution? You are only proving that you cared nothing for him!
Billy I am only going to say this once. Do you realize the Funeral home had to be paid before they would bury my Aunt? Do you realize my aunt had outstanding bills that had to be paid? And many other things?
Yeah I guess you didn’t.

As a witness to this accident, the deputy was in the wrong. I saw the accident happen and he had no sirens or lights on. He never hit the brakes and was going way to fast for that location. I was never contacted by any agency for my witness testimony. I was the first one on scene to find the deceased and check on the officer. I spoke with the investigating officer on scene and he took my information but I never got a call or anything to provide my account of what happened. I feel for both sides because the James family lost a sweet lady in a very preventable accident and the deputy now has to live with the fact that he took an innocent life because he chose to abuse his powers as an officer of the law. This is a sad situation for all involved and I do not believe that justice was done for either side. Law officers are in place to protect and serve our citizens and this officer abused his power and took an innocent life and got off with no consequences. Laws are set in place for a reason and they should apply to everyone! I understand that in emergency situations that emergency personnel may have to go over the posted limit or run a red light, etc. but they also should do this with caution.
I am also a witness to this accident; the deputy was not wrong. I saw the accident happen and he had both sirens and lights on. They were still on when additional help arrived. He never hit the brakes because she turned in front of him at the last minute. I was never contacted by any agency for my witness testimony either. I too spoke with the investigating officer on scene and gave him my information and was never contacted. The difference between us is that I would have told the truth and cleared this man’s name sooner.
WRONG AGAIN!!!! I was first on scene to both vehicles and there were no sirens or lights on his patrol car at anytime prior to, during or after impact. So please get your facts straight. I will pray for you as well while I’m praying for both of these families.
I was there and there were lights and sirens. You are mistaken. You all have an agenda.
He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. A judgement for money is a lot different than for criminal charges. Quinton will have to live with this for the rest of his life and if you knew him, you would know that it will definitely lay heavy on his heart. He could have very well died in the accident as well. It doesn’t seem that the family of the poor lady cares much about his life. Quinton was still in his mid 20’s when this happened. I really wonder if this was the child of one of the ladies that seem to feel he didn’t get justice would feel the same??? I know you are hurting and understand your anger but hating him is not going to bring you much peace nor bring your aunt back. I pray for all involved!
See this is were you are VERY wrong.
Quinton was actually very good friends with my cousins. So not only did they lose their aunt but a friend. Some one they grew up with and went to high school with. And as you can read on a previous post, he ate supper with my cousins.
NOBODY is hating on Quinton. What the family has basically said was the verdict was very unfair and we do not believe all of the FACTS were presented in court. We do not understand how he was found not guilty when there was so much evidence against him. And we believe he should have been found guilty on at least one or all charges.
Another thing I want to point out to everyone, the family has basically been quiet this whole time. Not really expressing our feelings on this matter. If you go back and look at some of the other articles, we were called names that should NEVER be mentioned. Saying we were only caring about the money and blah blah blah. WE kept quiet. So now that everything is basically said and done, yeah we are going to say our piece and defend ourselves and our Aunt.
If they lost Quinton as a friend, then they were never Quinton’s friends. Also with friends like that who need enemies. I feel so bad for him.
F**k Quinton and his above the law approach to life! And Bridget just stop while you’re ahead. To me it sounds like you’re Quinton’s girlfriend that wants to speak for him when his order comes out messed up. You weren’t there and neither were a lot of people on this post. She was my family and what he did in the act of pure ignorance was not right. Nor did I receive any money or am wiping my face with $100 dollar bills. Sorry y’all’s tax payers money went to someone and it wasn’t you because your BLUES LIVES MATTER think once again say it with me …. They above the law! I’m just smh at you Bridget , you funny girl! I bet your cheeks are a little red over there taking up for your “BF”!?!? My aunt is gone because of pure ignorance. JOCO is a f**king joke with their small town minds. And as far as a jury of his peers…… well anybody say anything for the right price! Just imagine JOCO being the price is right!
oh and that’s my full real name just in case you’re wondering! That James blood line real strong!
I was pulling out of my driveway where the cop was flying past me with no lights on. He did not have any sirens or anything like that. I heard him hit the other car. It is terrible for that poor lady. Rip.
If you didn’t beat doors down to be able to testify then don’t come on here telling your version now.
JOCO is a F N joke with our small town minds?????? In the words of Jason Aldean, we are Small Town Small, so try us!