LGC Approves Johnston County’s Request For $85 Million Revenue Bond

RALEIGH – The NC Local Government Commission (LGC) has signed off on a request to allow Johnston County to borrow $85 million in revenue bonds to upgrade the Timothy G. Broome Water Treatment Plant.

The work includes the expansion of treatment capacity from 14 to 18 million gallons per day, water main improvements along White Memorial Church Road to include 17,000 linear feet of 16-inch water mains from NC 210 to Jackson King Road, and construction of a wastewater collection system to divert wastewater to a new treatment plant.

Other projects include an 8-inch gravity sewer main to abandon the Clevelend Elementary Wastewater Pump Station, a force main to divert flow from the Whitley Heights Wastewater Pump State to Swift Creek Road, a force main to direct Johnston County Landfill leachate to the 210 Wastewater Treatment Facility, and payment of a portion of the costs of wastewater facilities for the Eastfield Development in Selma.

The LGC approved the revenue bond July 12 during their monthly meeting in Raleigh.

Johnston County Manager Rick Hester said, “The County greatly appreciates the NC Local Government Commission’s approval to move forward. This will allow the County to continue making significant and critical investments in public utilities infrastructure.”

The 30-year revenue bonds are scheduled to be sold on July 20, 2023. The interest rate will be determined at that time.

Johnston County has one other outstanding water and sewer revenue bond. It was issued in August 2021 and $50,070,000 remains to be paid on the bond.


  1. Nothing like borrowing money when interest rates ate going up! Imagine how much would have been saved by doi6this a year or so earlier. #VoteOutIncumbents

  2. More homes being built, home values going up water and sewer rates going up, tax revenues higher that ever and we need to borrow money through bonds? Sounds like bad management from the county commissioners to me. Get ready for another tax increase.

  3. Think about it for a moment FDT. This is critical infrastructure. I don’t know of any counties that have $85M just laying around, thus the need for borrowing. I look forward to seeing your name on the next ballot.

  4. Don’t you just laugh at people who make negative comments and hide behind fake names so no one knows who they are.

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